Nice To See You Too

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(up here is what issy is wearing)


Issy's pov:


"oh god calm down all that for a shitty little game" fred calmly said

"sorry" I confessed

"it's okay i-" he was cut off by the box being used

"someone is spinning it" I stated

"who is it" Fred questioned

"maybe Liz" I suggested

"Nah, the mega bitch threw us in the bin" I mean he wasn't wrong we did get thrown in the bin

"AHHHHHHH" we both screamed

Liz's pov:

I woke up in the middle of the night and drank some water to cool down I had one heck of a nightmare then something catch my eye...  the jester box I it was moving

"issy and fred" I whisper

I got up and twisted it faster.. Faster.. Faster then.... Two balls jumped out it startled me for a second and the two balls went under the bed I climb over my bed.. They wernt there

"HELLO SNOTFACE" I heard a voice scream

"ahhhh" I scream back

"yuk" I heard issy bork

"what happend to you, your alot older... Your even uglier" Fred pointed out

"I'm gonna have to be sick all over you immediately lie down" issy stated as she pushed me down onto the bed



"what Freddie?"

"the dolls"

"ahh yes the dolls"

"were are all the dolls"

I hear them say

"there gone" I say calmly

"excweez me" issy sassy says

"I'm alot older now" I say

"Freddie" I hear her say.. Why does she call him Freddie

"yes issabella" have I missed something

"she's a lot older" she smirks

"ohhh yes we can do grown up stuff" Fred smirked back. I don't know what's going but I'm scared

"ahh the dolls" issy screamed

"hello germimer hello angerline" issy continued while Fred snatched them off her while biting there heads off

"hello Mr poo you die too (no no no) yes yes yes" I am honestly scared

Issy started ripping Mr poo with her teeth and started blowing Raspberrys

"pleh, pleh" she blew

"let's go downstairs"


This is not going to end good

*the next morning*

*Issy's pov:

"so how did you sleep snot brain" I asked

"not good you should of been there" she replied

"sorry I was too sleepy" I apologise

"not to apologise" she said with a smile

"Im guess the dog shit was Fred" I question

"yes" liz said while laughing

"wonderful" I laugh back

"wha- WHAT THE FUCK" I stated the mega bitch was sitting on me

Liz just laughed

"are you literally laughing at the fact your mum if literally give me a fucking lap dance or what" I scream. Liz bursted out laughing

"what's so funny" the mega bitch asked liz

"I swear if you fart on me" I warned

Liz was dying with her mother confused

"OK what is up with you Elizabeth" the mega bitch asked angrily

"nothing sorry mother could you sit on this chair please.. Mother" liz begged and apologised

So her mum gave her a confused look but sat on the next chair

"damm I think the bitch dislocated my Virginia" issy said getting up from her uncomfortable position

Liz couldn't handle it she laughed so hard

"well, I think we need to talk" the mega bitch started

Then Fred appears shouting at liz

"I spent all night in the stupid garden shed and you didn't even bother coming to look for me" he  started

Then the mega bitch walk by him I zoomed out and when I snaped  back in my thoughts  to liz laughing

"what's so funny" I asked

"Fred looked up my mums skirt and whispered cobweb" she replied laughing

"Fred don't-" I warned fred but I was too late

He face was a pancake


"don't worry my mum squashed issys  Virginia" liz pointed out

"holy shit" I laughed "your heads a fucking pancake someone get some sirup"

"so I need to talk to about your marriage" the mega bitch started

"snotface grew up and got married" Fred started

"you mean you've been doing it like the pigeons" I ended

"oh don't tell me you two are not married" she defended

"WE NOT MARRIED" I shouted

"yeah whatever just go" she siped her tea

"alright say the magic word and we'll piss off" I smiled

"piss off" liz shouted

"ha, tricked ya those wernt the magic words"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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