Author's note

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Hi guys! Thanks so much for clicking on this story!

Some things to note: 

This takes places after the Giant War and during Order of the Phoenix

Umbridge is not present and Sirius does not die

Demigods already at Hogwarts are:

Hermione Daughter of Athena

Draco Son of Mercury

Luna Daughter of Iris

Neville Son of Ceres

Snape Son of Nemesis

Dumbledore Legacy of Hecate

Other demigods will come to Hogwarts later, but it wll be only Percabeth at first

The trio, Neville and Malfoy are 15, Luna and Ginny are 14, while the other demigods are 17

Ships: Percabeth, Frazel, Jiper, Caleo, Solangelo, Theyna, Chris and Clarisse, Nuna, Hinny and Dramione

Greek will be in italic and Latin will be underlined

My writing may not be great so please bear with me and no hate or inappropriate comments. Thanks!

Percabeth teach at Hogwarts(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now