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Hyunjin's pov

"So let's see how you can float on your own. I will hold your hand in the begging and then I will let you go but don't worry I am near you." I said to Pearl and took her hand.
She did what we did yesterday slowly,she squished my hand for support and I helped her but she eventually did it.
"Take a deep breath,relax and I will let you go." I told her.
"Okay please don't let me die" she smiled and I laughed.
She took a deep breath and I let her go.
She was actually doing it. I smiled at her proud. She had her eyes closed.
"Open your eyes see the sky or sing a song you can do anything now." I said to her.
"Thank you for staying with me." she said but she sounded kinda sad.
"I will never leave you." I promised her.
"I heard that before but guess what. I left alone." she sighed and got on her feet.
"I am not like the others. I am a merman. We build different." I smiled at her and she laughed.
"That's what I like to see." I said and squished her hand.

"Now let's test your breathing." I announced.
"Are you out of your mind? I can't. I was always wearing my sea gear." she said anxious.
"You have to learn to breathe without it in the water so you can swim better. It's simple. You will put your head inside the water and you will hold your breath as long as you can. If you can't take it anymore you will get out of the water." I explained to her and she seemed more relaxed.
"I'll try but I don't know." her voice trembled.
"Look I am right here. And if something happens I will give you the kiss to live." I winked at her.
"Shut up you pervert." she laughed.

"So ready?" I started and she pinched her nose sat and put her head in the water.
I was counting from inside and not 3 seconds later she panicked and got out.
"Easyy,easyy. You were 3 seconds inside. It's a start. You don't have to hold your nose though just don't breathe like you do on the outside." I explained better.
She signed and put her head again in the water.
5 seconds later and again she was out.
"I can't do this on my own. Can you please be inside the water with me? I feel safer looking at you." she said disappointed.
"Hey don't be sad it's normal to panic. That's why I teach you. I will look for you inside the water." I patted her head and she smiled.
"Okay. Ready. 1.2.3" and we both got into the water.

She had her eyes shut. She was adorable. I took her hand and brushed my thumb to her hand. She opened her eyes and saw me.
"See you are doing it." I said to her.
"Yeah and it's beautiful." she talked inside the water and I opened my eyes widely.
"Pearl. You can hear me?" I asked her panicked.
"Of course why wouldn't I?" she said still careless.
"Pearl you talk and breathe inside the water as long as me. Do you see me clearly?" I shook her.
She opened her eyes widely too and immediately got to the surface.
"Hyunjin what is happening?" she said scared.
"I don't know. You can speak and breathe inside the water." I said so confused.
"I saw everything clearly too." she started panicking.
"Pearl calm down. Let's get you out of the water." I said and took her outside.

I changed to my human form so I can be closer to her.
"Hyunjin what is happening to me? Did you do magic tricks on me?" she started crying.
"Pearl noo I didn't do anything. It was the first time you did this. When you were going in the sea this never happened to you before?" I patted her back.
"I,I don't remember I was young. My mom would have noticed this." she said and looked at the sea.

"The sea,took my mum. She drowned. One day she was playing with me in the water, my dad was in the house and then suddenly she started choking and asking for help. I was small and I couldn't help I didn't have the strength. And I saw the sea dragging her down. I never saw her again. My dad came running but it was too late. And I was there screaming. It was my fault she died. I couldn't help her. And I lost my mum and my dad lost his wife, his love." she was now sobbing. She covered her face with her hands and hugged her knees.

She was broken. That's what sea took from her. Her fear everything make sense. She had every right to hate my home. I hated my home too.
I hugged her and started crying with her.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you Pearl. I wish I could take the pain away." I told her.
"You take away my fear. But why the fuck did I do this? I don't get it." she seemed so confused.
"Maybe you have a connection with the sea. Maybe you belong here." I said genuinely.
"Hyunjin I have to go. I won't tell my dad about this yet but don't tell anyone either. I want some time to process this." she said and began to leave.
"Pearl, I am always here for you." I yelled and she smiled weakly and she left with Kkami.
Who actually is Pearl?

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now