I'd known Ned my whole campus life, he was two years ahead of me but he was a great guy and had helped me set up my photography business in campus. He had graduated with a degree in Actuarial Science, yes he was incredibly smart, but had decided to open a tattoo parlor instead. He hadn't dated seriously in all the time I'd known him but he wasn't a fuckboy like the three musketeers. Guess now I knew the reason why, Ned was broken.

"Wow that was deep and unexpected but even I have to admit that he is right. Alfred, Cliff and I have not been lucky enough to find something real like you did with Pierra so we don't know what it's like to be in your shoes. I saw the pictures you guys took on your date and you looked really happy. Don't give that up man because now your biggest obstacle is gone. Think about it."Cass said before getting up and following after Ned.

He had been referring to Bishop being out if the picture. Three days after my confession with Pierra I had a package delivered to my room. It was a new camera better than the one I'd sold and twenty thousand shillings. I'd then run into Bishop at the tattoo parlor and he didn't say a word to me, just ignored me like he had before my date with Pierra and I realized that she had talked to him and asked him to back off.

Since Bishop seemed to have backed off I had gotten even more motivated to fix things with Pierra but she was avoiding me and I had no idea what do anymore. Ned was right, I could go to her house but just like Cass had said I was scared of being rejected again.

"I'm so done watching you feel sorry for yourself. Here, chug this then get up and either go get your girl or find another one but no more sulking on the sofa."Cliff demanded shoving a cup into my hand and standing there to make sure that I actually drunk it all.

He didn't leave me alone either and since I didn't have enough courage to go face Pierra I made my way to one of the kegstands so I could get wasted. My friends had dragged me to the lame party, it would be terrible of me to let their efforts of cheering me up go to waste. I couldn't get my girl back so I chose getting stupid drunk and with any luck I would pass out and come to in a world when everything was perfect and I had Pierra back.

The world wasn't perfect and you know why, it's because two hours later I was wasted, but still conscious enough to know what I was doing.

"Hey hey hey where do you think you're going?"Ned who was more sober than I was asked stopping me at the door when he noticed me trying to leave.

"I'm going to do what you said and get my girl back."I declared with a winning grin.

"No you're not, at least not like this. You're drunk and that is not the state to win over a girl in."He argued and I pouted.

"But you said...."

"I know what I said. This was a bad idea, stay here let me go get the rest of the guys and we can all go home."Ned requested and I nodded trying to hold on a smile from the plan forming in my head.

"I'm serious Andy. Don't go anywhere until I get back with everyone else."He demanded and I nodded vigorously but had to stop when the world started spinning faster than it already was.

Ned analyzed me and when he determined he could trust me, he walked back inside to look for our friends.

"Loser."I laughed because as soon as he was out of sight I dashed outside with only one goal in mind.

I was going to find Pierra and make things right.

I was drunk and couldn't form any cognitive thoughts so I decided to just wing it. I tried poetry once and wasn't too bad at it, maybe it was the night to polish that side of me to help me argue my case.

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