71. Innocent Little Hearts

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"...Move on, whether it's the pain or the love"

Lam clearly noticed how Beam looked away from him. Of course, he knew how much in love Beam had been, maybe, some of that feeling was still there, even if Beam didn't know it. But that ship was long sailed. Lam didn't think for even a moment that Beam and Forth could go back to what they were, even if Beam gave Forth a chance. 

But Forth did not deserve it!

Forth was his brother even before he accepted his own cousin as one. He was his best friend, his brother, his crime partner, his family. And even if he didn't say it, knowing Forth and Beam were together was actually something he rooted for since the beginning.

The others may never understand what his anger was about. Not just for hurting his snowball. He was angry at Forth because he trusted Beam with him. He stood up for him. And Forth ruined it all. He wasn't just angry at Forth but at himself too.

What Forth did, the scars that event left on his brother could never be erased from Beam's heart. Even if Beam was not moving on to find new love, Lam was sure being back with Forth was never gonna be an option. Ever!

And seemed it was time to finally do that, move on. He should move on. Lam wanted to see him happy and peaceful again like he was when he first came back. He wanted to see Beam like before. Not this mess that meeting Forth had turned him into.

But, he would let Beam make that decision for himself. He understood that much!

Lam stopped talking when Beam's phone vibrated.

Beam frowned at the message and hurried away from Lam.

"I have work" he said without looking back and walked away fast, leaving Lam to frown.

"Your dada is weird, don't you think so, snowball?" Lam looked down to find Arthit resting his head against his neck and peeking at a tall person who was walking closer to them. Lam looked at Forth who smiled at the baby. Then he looked down at Arthit who was looking at the person with such a cute, kicked puppy face. 

'Huh, look at you, staring at the bastard like he's your favorite sweet!' Lam huffed sulkily but kissed the baby's hair. "You want to see him?"

Arthit looked up at him with wide eyes and to his shock, shook his head.

"Hello Mr. Arthit, how are you?" just then a smiling Kit asked the baby and pulled out chocolate for him but the baby turned his face away, refusing to acknowledge either Kit or Forth.

Kit gaped down at his own hand while Lam blinked. 'Oon didn't jump Forth? Or took the chocolate?'

"Arthit... baby, what happened? You don't want your chocolate? Uncle Kitty should get something else for you, sweetheart?" Kit asked the baby who shot him a cute little glare before hiding his face on Lam's neck, even using his hands to hide away, not wanting to talk. 

"Aathi aab ukka Yam and Dada buy chocho, no waan..." the baby replied sternly with puffed cheeks and looked up at Lam. "Ukka Yamm... Aathi no wike em!" he complained to Lam who raised an eyebrow at the words. Even when he and Beam combined couldn't have the heart to pull that stubborn baby away from Forth, even after that baby became the reason Beam got closer to Kit and Pha again, that same baby was saying he didn't like Kit. And Forth?

'What the heck did they do to my baby snowball?' Lam shot the stunned men a glare, startling Kit but Forth just stared at the cute baby.

"Oon... baby, did P'Porr do something wrong?" Forth asked the baby slowly who looked up at him with angry face.

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