"Call an anesthesiologist urgently!"

"Prepare the operating room!"

"Resuscitation equipment to room 247. We have code blue!"

All the nurses on the floor were mobilized and began to carry out what the two doctors had ordered.

2..4...7...247, Out of all the hustle and bustle, Kate finally managed to combine the spoken digits into one number, and everything in front of her eyes went black when she realized that the mentioned room was the room where Rick is...

The aforementioned group of doctors on alert literally almost broke through the door of Rick's room, to find him on the bed alive and ah let's say well... "Mr. Castle, you can't do this, everyone got an alert, you got all the doctors on their feet because we got a code blue alert in your room!!" Dr. Mendiaz brust in a rather stern voice, and rightly so, there's no place for fake alerts here, all the surgeons on duty were already called in to be ready to perform CPR(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) , and Rick's heart was beating to the extreme. "Then fix me!! Look at me, I can barely remember my own family!" Rick returned the shout, his neck veins popping out and his face read nothing else than anger. "Just take it slow, everything will-" "Cut the crap!" Rick's  raised voice again stopped Dr. Mendiaz in what he wanted to say. "Tell me how can I tell that woman that I have no idea who she is, that I don’t know what she is to me and that she's making me feel somewhat uncomfortable when she's around me?! How can I say that to her when she looks at me so tenderly, and I can't return that look!!" Rick's voice dropped a little lower, almost to a whisper. "I-I make you feel uncomfortable?" Another whisper of a broken voice came from the doorway. "No, I didn't mean..." Rick's soft voice tryed to fix the situation. But for Kate, those words were like a final blow, could she hear anything worse than those words coming out of Rick's mouth? She's making him feel uncomfortable...Can any woman hear anything worse?? That was enough for her to just stumble to a nearby chair, bury her head deep in her hands and give up on everything. This ended her, all the hopes she had ever had were shattered to the last piece. "Your dad don't know us" She broke down to tears as she spoke to her yet unvisible belly. "It's a common thing at patients who have suffered brain trauma"She heard a rough male voice talking above her. Great! Just another false consolation. She thought while lifting her head to face the man talking. "It's amnesia" Kate said in a oddly deep tone, mimicking the doctor's voice and saying words she had already assumed would come out of his mouth. "Actually if you want medical vocabulary then it's Retrograde Amnesia mixed with symptoms of Prosopamnesia, shortly, current memory loss in layman's terms" He answered calmly in his deep tone and used the chair next to Kate's as a place to sit. "Whatever, that doesn't change the fact he doesn't remember me" She continued in a monotone sad voice. "But it can help us in further treatment" The doctor went on, too. "Then you should go tell that to your colleagues instead of just sitting here! Do your job! " An irritated voice escaped from Kate's mouth, she didn't really think that, she was simply indignant at everything around her and couldn't control herself, especially after she heard Rick's words, those damn words! His gaze fell calmly on the watch on his wrist "At the moment, your husband is getting one pill of Rohypnol along with the double dose of Aspirin so I think as your husband's incharge neurologist I am doing my job pretty okay" His tone was evenly calm the whole time, he never once raised his voice even though Kate had just accused him of not doing his job properly. "I am so sorry Dr...." Kate started apologizing but paused because she didn't know the exact last name of the doctor who turned out to be Rick's neurologist. "Milanov, but let's put that "Dr.'s" thing aside now, Anthony will be fine, because it's probably the last thing on your mind to remember every surnames of doctors who walks into your husband's room." He talked and Kate finally felt like someone understood her, because she cared about nothing but whether Rick would recover or not. "Now, I guess you’re more interested in the fact that your husband will be able to make a full recovery" Be able to make a full recovery the part of the sentence that resounded in her ears for a long time after it was uttered. "How? When? Will he remember me?" She showered him downpour of questions because that was the only thing she could do, she needed an answer. "The human brain is a fascinating thing, to the eye they are all the same, but they are all so different" He started and pretty quickly got the the main question he was meaning to ask "Did you and Mr. Castle had some quarrel recently, did he feel like you had betrayed his trust, or did you perhaps keep some secret from him and thus perhaps unknowingly hurt him?"  'Secrets' part immediately got her attention. "Well...ya there was one case that I had to keep on hush-hush, but it was for his safety and..."   "And that's the crux of the matter!" Her storytelling was interrupted by Dr. Milanov's conclusion. "...but we got over it" She continued what she had not been able to finish before. "As I said before human brain is in the most cases inexplicaple, when you kept secrets from him it hurted him so that's probably the strongest memory he has about you now and his brain defends itself by the mechanism of forgetting the person who had inflicted the pain on him."  " So...you're saying he doesn't want to remember?" Her trembeling voice was barely heard. "His brain is currently connecting something that hurt him to you, so he simply refuses to remember and relive it all again" Dr. Milanov clarified a little more what he was talking about. "But he will be back, although healing proces takes time, but in the end it's all worth it, just be here for him" He gave her a friendly-comforting smile before he disappeared down the hallway the way to the doctor's room, and she remained sitting in the now rather empty hospital hallway thinking about his words...

Part 3 here!

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