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Here goes...

TTM stands for Trichotillomania, the obsessive pulling of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes when stressed, upset, any time you feel emotions you think you can't handle.

5% of people in the US and UK suffer from some type of TTM.

A vast majority of these sufferers are young women and teenage girls.

There are no statistics for the amount of children and young adults suffering from this condition.

The typical onset for this condition is supposed to be from the ages of 9 to 13, though it can come about any time during your life.

At this moment in time, there is no medical, psychological or definate cure or relief... the only way is to curb it and dissuade people from getting into this mess, and this is my attempt to do just that.

It has taken me a lot to actually commit to this, write down my innermost thoughts and situations for the world to see, this isn't a novel, a love story, a comedy, this is my life and the way I chose to live and deal with it.

This is my story.

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