"He's no good." She rolled her eyes.

"Let me find you better." Rilla says.

Zandra don't mind it. She roamed her eyes and saw a man on the crowd. He looks familiar just the way he form. She stand and walked towards that.

"Come on! Drink with me, Love." He begged for the girl. 

Girls were recording him. He looks drunk and rip. When the man trying to stand he end up falling on the floor earning words from the crowd. "AHH!" He groaned.

His half opened eyes looked in my place. "S-sir?" I almost whispered. Why is he here? I wanna ask him that. Then the girl his asking went to him and gave him money on his pocket. 

What is that?

"Love, don't go." He begged again. His hands went to her knees.

The girl looked at us. "I don't know him. Please help me." She suddenly look scared for him.

I smirked. Now I knew.

This girl looked exactly like me. She's wearing glamorous dress which may looked like she's rich. Been years on this club but didn't see her face, just now. She pulling something here. Or she just barge in. 

She said she don't know him yet putted money on his pocket. What a cheap act.

I took my phone and called for Ate Mariella. Rung three times before she picked up.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Bring me details about this girl." I said.

"Copy." She said and ended the call. Sent her the picture of the girl and received information about her. 

"Therese Demond." Her names looked like finding danger.

"Miss Zandra. Your room in on the VIP second floor near the second bar. Feel free to ask me questions or any services you want." The girl said cheerful. 

I nodded and walked away. "She's a busy girl. Kaya ayokong lumalapit sa kanya. Hindi man lang magawang ngumiti sa 'tin." The girl whispered even though I can hear it.


My phone vibrate. It's a file. 

"Fabian, bring me the man on the crowd." I said coldly.

"Yes, Ma'am." He answered.

Juniper opened the door for me. I went inside of my room and looked for a cuff. Mr. Martines should know that consequences for touching me without my knowledge. 

Yet you love it.

The door suddenly opened in harsh way. "Bitawan mo ko!" He shouted.

Mr. Martines running wild now. I smirked.

"Here he is, Ma'am." I smiled perfectly.

Fabian, Finnian, Basil and Charles saw me. Their eyes twinkled. "Put him on the bed. Use this." 

Throwing the handcuffed on the bed. Finnian took it and cuff Mr. Martines arms and feet. "Fuck! Let me go! Shit!" He kept cursing.

"Good boys!" I clapped my hands.

They went out of the room leaving me with Mr. Martines. His eyes looked at me. "Ms. William? What are you doing here?" He asked me. His eyes were half opened

I rolled my eyes and bit my lips. The chair place in front of the bed. I'm facing his private thing.

"Therese Demond. Why are you begging for her?" My head tilted and gawk at him.

He didn't speak but still staring at me with disbelief. "Therese Demond is using drugs. Selling drugs. So, why beg for her?" I asked in curiosity.

He smirked. His eyes looked at me with pity. "Even you tell me she's the dirtiest girl in the world, I'll go beg for her and not you." My smiled was snatch.

My blood started boiling. I stood in my chair and went to his place. The phone I was holding was thrown in his face for his sudden expression. His smirked were gone by my aggressive action.

It looks like he's awake now.

"You don't know me, Mr. Martines. Better answer my question and get out here." I threatened him.

"Ms. William, what's with the sudden movement?" He demanded.

Rolling my eyes at him. "You have no respect on me!" He screamed. My palm met his cheeks. "You better hold your self. You'll listen to me." I warned him. His cheeks went red.

"Why are you doing this!?" He yelled at my face.

He's brazen. Let's see. I took the tissue and wipe my face. Then went to him and opened his mouth wide and shoved the tissue inside his mouth. "Shut up!" I screamed at his face.

He stopped and closed his eyes.

"Fabian!" I shouted.

The door opened and welcomed Fabian breathless. "Yes, Ma'am." 

"Hold him." I pointed Mr. Martines. 

Basil and Charles helped Fabian hold him. "Give me my own Whips." I said coldly.

Finnian gave me the whip. "Close the door." They done what I said. Mr. Martines is standing in front of me looking weak. I laughed. 

My feet walked nearer him.

"Where is your smirk written in your face, Mr. Martines?" Trying to tease him. 

I focus on his face inches away. His eyes were hurting. He bit his lips stopping himself to cry.

That's not the look of hurting.

"Leave him on birth look." I proclaimed.

He looked at my men in horrifying face. "No! Ms. William! N-no don't d-do this!" He shouted scared. I laughed and turned around.  

Why am i doing this? Is it because he is begging for a girl that looks exactly like me? Or because of his sudden reaction to me?

Whatever it is.

As I look back he is already nude.

"Good." I calmly said.

His eyes are closed, shoulder we're shaking. His tanned skin is seen. But then in his chest there is violet-green circle. I run to him and looked for it. 

A bruise.

"Where did you get this?" I asked him coldly.

I didn't heard anything from him. I stood up and slapped Fabian. "What the fuck is that, Fabian!?" I shouted him.

He looked down. "I-I don't know, Ma'am. I-I saw it already when we took off his clothes." He answered stuttering. 

My eyes were glaring then went to Charles-not looking at me. I gripped Mr. Martines hair and saw him unconscious. 

"Call Avalon. Tell her i need her." I said stressed.

Mabilis lumabas si Charles at ginawa ang pinagagawa ko. Hindi dapat malaman ng Ama ko ang pinag-gagawa ko dito. I'll loss everything.

"Ahhh!" I shouted frustrated.

"Shit! Fuck!" I kept cursing.

CRIME (The Owners Series #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن