Start from the beginning

She stood up and took a few sheets of plain paper on Shirabu's supply, deeming that she didn't have anything. The male merely spent a second to look before going back to his business. The female went back to her seat and wrote a few equations she remembered before offering it to the younger male, "Try answering these first."

Nodding, he took it and delved into his despair. While he'd be occupied in wrecking his brain, she folded the spare paper— once again, going through the process of standing up, getting scissors, Shirabu not bothering to look this time, and sitting down— and cut into smaller rectangular pieces.

Goshiki took a peek and wondered if she was planning on making origami or something while he's busy. When she started writing on the pieces, it threw away all of his ideas; instead, opting to focus on the equations.

As much as he could, that is.

He sent it back to her once he finally gave up.

"You got the first one right." He maintained his composure— he knew he'd somehow get a point for the first. It was like one of those items he'd get correct out of a hundred, so he didn't celebrate early, "The rest weren't."

He sulked.

"Don't worry. The rest I gave was harder than necessary. It's Math in the 2nd year. If you'd broken down the equation first and used the basics, you could still answer it. You're not entirely hopeless, Goshikii-kun." That statement caused him to rejoice; lips turning to grin. "But, you definitely didn't get all the basic steps correct, so—"

She gathered the pieces of paper in her palm, placing them on top of the other as she made a little rectangular book. Ushering it towards him, he opened his fist to examine what's written, "We're not leaving this room until you memorize all the needed formulas, okay? We can start the actual uhm.. session tomorrow."

"T—That's impossible, Otsuka-chan!"

"I told you." The setter interrupted, eyes not bothering to look. He was still wearing music in his ears, so he might have had his volume several limits down as he was able to hear their conversation, "Her way of studying is the worst. It's no surprise that her teaching would be the same."

"Why—" She crossed her arms, "There's nothing more effective than on-the-spot memorization."

"All at once? That doesn't work for everyone, Yui. Especially Goshiki. I bet he'd forget it the next day."

The male in mention would've been angered if he wasn't in a particularly tight situation. He could only mutter, "Especially..?"

"It will. Just watch! Well— if it doesn't," She stared at Goshiki, before shaking her head in disagreement, "No— it will."

"You sound exactly like Tendou-san's ringtone."

She furrowed her brows, "What?"

"It's horrible."

"Kenjirou! I swear—"

"C-Calm down, Otsuka-chan."

Yui huffed under her breath before nodding in futility, "Right. So can you do it, Goshikii-kun? It'll be a whole lot easier after. I swear it on Shirabu's life."

There was a short hesitation as the male knew of the meltdown that comes along with the decision of agreeing; and he didn't know why he actually did. Maybe it was the hues of her eyes.

He sighed in defeat, "I'll try."

Her palm was emplaced on the middle of the table when she placed most of her weight on it for the other hand to reach out and situate itself on top of his head; smiling at him thereafter.

"You can do it."

Shirabu scoffed.

So when she returned to her previous position and the comforting sentiment was gone, he realized how easy it was for her to recollect herself. The dismays from forgetting to bring her hair tie, the frustrations from imperfect activities and projects, the inconvenience when her favorite food at the store runs out of stock — it was all fleeting. She doesn't hold on to negativity for too long and it was evident in her reassuring words and pleasant expressions.

In the same way, she had no problems with removing thorns from her life.

While Goshiki was entertaining his demise with his eyes closed and face distorted rather in displeasure, she was about to focus on her own when her phone suddenly lit up on the table.

The frown gracing her lips went unseen. She was reminded that there was one thorn she couldn't remove and her mind ached to think it was the prickling sensation caught in her throat and the hazardous air that filled her lungs.

"Sorry, something came up." Garnering their attention, she placed her phone in her pocket. Unlike the haste in her eyes, she took the time in packing her belongings in her bag — seemingly waiting for the world to revolve further before she leaves.

"Text me if Shirabu threatens you to leave okay?"

"Is everything alright, Otsuka-chan?"

"Yes, yes. It's just an urgent message." Yui stood up, holding her bag before she turned to the other male examining her actions. 

Catching his eyes, she felt somehow at ease; like fate can throw anything at her and she'd be well. "Can I call you later?"

She could tell that his mind ran through countless simulations in that second; what he'll reply, what he'll do, and what he'll feel.

And then it stopped.

He was certain it was the hues of her eyes and the affection it held.


But the call never came.

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