The Rain Will Clear...One Day. [Finale]

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"You never know until you try. Maybe she's just waiting on you." Fugiuro got up, "come on, kiddo. I'll give ya some help on this, what worked on your mother doesn't work for everyone you know."

Y/n smiled and got his jacket on, "what did you give her?"

"I gave her myself but she didn't seem impressed." Fugiuro teased, "then I bought her some normal stuff."


Friday, March 13th. White Day (the 14th) is on a Saturday, a day off from school, so the boys who got chocolate are getting restless today.

In contrast, the girls, who've done their part are relaxing now!

And the boys who didn't get any chocolate in the process of attaining enlightenment!

Friday the 13th... An Unlucky Day!!

On this Day in Itan High School... something was about to happen...!

The three stooges gave their gifts to Komi, even Katai gave Katou a gift and then walked away. Katou blushed, "eh?! Ah! Th-Thank you!"

Sakai gave her famous smirk before Katai held his chest, he was anxious. "Next up is Master's Gift...! The only thing I'm better at than Master is pretty much the muscle department...!" Katai gave her a middle book, which Komi shook with heavy confusion. "Did she likes it...?!"

As for Y/n...

"Hey..." Y/n smiled at Komi, but was shaking. "Dang it, Y/n! Don't be a wimp! Just say it! Why is it so difficult now...?"

Komi tilted her head to the side, and suddenly, all the worry went away. Y/n gave a deep sigh of relief, "do you want to stop somewhere to eat on our way back from school. It's my treat, Komi."

Komi blushed with as Cat ears popped up, Y/n waved his hands, "you can totally say no! Like, I wasn't really expecting you to say yes in the first place! How weird right?! A guy like me asking someo-"

"I'll...go..." Shouko smiled as Y/n blushed.

"R-Really? Okay..." Y/n looked away and made sure the bag was still in there.

'I have to use the restroom.' Komi wrote and Y/n nodded. Komi walked out of the classroom, but as soon was she was out of Y/n's vision, she leaped up and down.

"Komi?" Komi froze as soon as she heard Najimi's voice. Najimi smirked, "ah, Y/n did something, didn't he!?"

Komi gripped Najimi's shoulders and dragged them away, "Komi can get really nervous too..."
And so, the scene cuts to the two leaving the ramen restaurant. Y/n had a depressed look on his face.

"Why did I bring her to that place we can't talk in?! I'm such an idiot!" Y/n bashed his head in the pole.

'Are you okay?' Shouko asked as she held up a notebook.

"Oh, yeah, I'm okay." Y/n sighed and shook his head, "honestly, I'm kinda disappointed in myself. I wanted to talk to you like usual, but I brought us to the wrong place."

Komi wasn't used to the y/n that beats himself up, Y/n wasn't used to it either. "I feel like a total failure..."

"It...wasn't...a bad....time...right?" Komi muttered out, as Y/n's head spiked up. "I had"

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