Bonus Chapter

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Bonus Chapter


(Ash POV)

“We’ll be fine right,” Gabriel asked I swallowed and nodded no matter what happens I would be faithful to her.
“Yes, I love you and you love me,” I stated as if it solved this whole dilemma, she laughed lightly and kissed me gently.
“Okay, I love you,” she mumbled I sighed and hugged her tightly, while burying my head in her neck. I breathed in her strawberry scent making sure I remembered it.

“How am I supposed to sleep,” She sniffled, I chuckled and looked at my watch I didn’t have to be to school till next week, and I’m sure I can hire someone to move my stuff in my dorm. I peeked out her shoulder looking at her dorm door.

“I can stay for a week,” I mumbled she looked up at me with hope, I nodded, it was spring semester we spent half a year travelling everywhere she wanted to go we ended up staying in Paris for a whole month before we traveled down to Japan followed by Italy, England, and then France. We actually travelled to quite a few places, but she definitely loved Britain and Paris the most.

“What about school,’ I shrugged and opened her door, I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I kissed her cheek and carried her in, while looking around as she buried her face in my neck. I felt her sigh quietly. I walked around the dorm seeing
“Hi you must be my roommate,” I turned around seeing a fair skinned girl standing with another girl, I raised my eyebrow they were pretty hot, but they didn’t compare to Gabriel.
“No she is,” I pointed to Gabriel who was knocked out, ever since we’ve travelled she had a habit of falling asleep instantly, and it didn’t help that she was still jet lagged not to mention she barely got any sleep last night.

“Oh we’re interrupting,” I laughed and shook my head while looking at Gabriel.

“No she’s asleep, we just got back from Paris, Sunday,” they nodded and looked at me with grin.
“Are you her boyfriend or friend,” I laughed at them and nodded.

“Girlfriend actually,” they stared at me in shock while I continued to look around.
“Her room,” I asked they pointed still in shock, I chuckled and winked at them laughing to myself when they blushed. I walked to Gabriel room and opened the door. I frowned it was your average dorm room, which wasn’t enough for my non average girlfriend, maybe I could pull so strings and get her a nicer bigger room. I looked at Gabriel and laid her in the already made up bed. I think she would kill me if I got her a better dorm room, I hated when she didn’t let me spoil her. I mean I had the money too, but she never let me spend it.

“Lee,” I looked down seeing her frowning in her sleep, I chuckled and kissed her forehead while moving out the bed and placing the sheets over her. I kissed her once more before wandering out. I had to properly introduce myself or else Gabriel would be mad at me.

“Excuse me ladies,” I said stepping into the kitchen seeing the two girls whispering to each other, they stopped and turned around immediately I raised my eyebrow and leaned against the doorframe watching them with interest.

“Hi,” The brown haired one squeaked with a blush while the fair skinned one eyed me with suspicion.
“I haven’t introduced myself properly, my name is Ash Davis, my girlfriend is Gabriel Smith your roommate,” I held out my hand, the brown hair took hold of my hand I smirked.

“I’m Eloise,” I kissed her knuckles I guess going to different countries got me into this hand kissing thing, my dad made sure I showed respect to everyone we visited.

“Nice to meet such a pretty girl,” I complimented while watching a blush spread to her face, I let go of her hand and turned to the girl who was frowning.
“And you,” I asked politely with a pleasant smile.
“Melanie,” I kissed her hand almost smiling at her glare, I let it go and leaned back against the wall.

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