23. Urges

176 11 0

|| a/n: description of violence ahead. ||



«Miss Asami, I want you to be honest with me. It's for the sake of the investigations» the room was half engulfed in the darkness since it was almost evening and the sky outside was turning black. On a wooden desk towers and towers of dice were treading a fine line and behind them a boy in his teens was still stacking them.

«What is it, Near?»

«I came to a conclusion that Kira has a particular modus operandi. Those deaths seem not to be much...natural. Can you help me with that?» Near managed to stack another white dice to his towers.

Ryoko gulped silently. He already understood that Kira's killings were not natural deaths. Near's mind was in step with Lawliet's, that was for sure.

However, Ryoko didn't know how to answer: had she to reveal the existence of the Death Note to him? Was it the right thing to do?

The raven haired girl sighed heavily. «Kira is this entity that kills people without efforts. As already proved by the first L, Kira needs a name and a face to kill a person. What the task-force forgot to tell you is that they have Kira's weapon with them»

«Is that so?» Near didn't seem quite happy about it.

«Yes, it's a book. You write down a name on it and that person dies. I don't know much about it, a member of the task-force told me this»

Near's dark eyes lowered to his dice, deep in thought. Maybe he didn't take in consideration the "supernatural" option: as for Lawliet, Near's mind was made of pure logic and realistic things. Perhaps he was trying to come to terms with it and to accept that things like deadly notebooks existed.

«Please Miss Asami, explain more about this book»






It was being five years since Ryoko crossed the gates of the Wammy's House and Ritsu already celebrated four birthdays. 

In the meantime, around March, Near moved in the States in order to obtain the president's collaboration to arrest Kira. The white haired boy affirmed that the real L was dead and that Kira killed him using a sort of notebook (that was in the hands of the Japanese police). 

The president created a special team called SPK (special provision for Kira), a task-force composed of many skilful FBI and CIA agents at Near's orders to catch Kira. 

In Japan, meanwhile, Kira continued his actions. The rest of the world, however, splitte in two: in one hand, there were those who considered him as a bloodthirsty person; on the other, there were those who praised him as a god. 

And if people had to deal with Kira, someone else had far more important problems: the Koike family. Hoso Koike, Ryoko's mother, became a shell after her daughter's disappearance. She would spend entire days in the living room looking at the photographs she had of her or in Ryoko's old bedroom surrounded by her things. Ryoko's scent was gone years ago but Hoso remembered it very well: her daughter loved fruit-scented shampoos and piled clothes.

«Mum, I'm going to the konbini to buy dinner...do you want something in particular?» Kazuo, now a tall twenty-four years old man, asked to his mother, who was absently looking to the photographs. She didn't reply and Kazuo came closer to her, hugging her tightly. «I'll be back in few minutes»

I am Ryoko || L Lawliet x Kira!OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora