Small Might and the fuck?

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-Filler P1-

Another day, I dig my heel into the back of a villains back, another asshole. I watch as the police arrive and take him away in cuffs. I sigh and lean against the building wall. Why is there so many villains out tonight? It was so quiet yesterday. Ive caught at least 14 in just the past hour.

I lean my head back with a small thud as it hits the wall, "It's so boringgg." I take a breath in and close my eyes. Let's see what there is to do. I tap my foot on the floor while thinking, I could go see who's been stalking me, if anyone. I could go torment Lucifer... I could also take a nap. That nap is sounding real good right now.


My eyes snap open to see the building I'm leaning on crumbling. What the-

I open up a breach to the top of a police car, "The hell was that?"

I straightened up my posture and look around, guess I can't take a nap. My eyes dart to each area of this moonlit area. Gotcha.

The silhouette of a person runs behind the crumpled building.

As I begin to take off after them, my arm gets grabbed. I look behind me, "Why..."

"I'll take care of this!"

I plod down on the police car, "Go ahead, you'll be saving me the trouble All Might."

And with his signature smile he jumps towards the top of the building. Dummy.

It crumples more under him. I look down at the police men, "Any of you have something to drink?"

I crush the soda can in my hand and toss it off, "Yeah that's taking way too long."

I open a breach to the top of the building and step through. Where are you?

I keep walking, taking special care to watch out for rubble and weak spots in the building.

My eyes perk up at the sound of a small whisper coming from behind a door. I take a deep breath and open a breach into the room.

"Villain person?,,,, you tried to kill me... that's not polite- AHH WHAT THE-"

I jump back, putting my fist up, "Who the hell are you?!?"

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I jump back, putting my fist up, "Who the hell are you?!?"



"Are you- you can't tell anyone you saw this-"

I cut him off, "This is.... I WAS RIGHT! HA KUMA OWES ME 40 DOLLARS!"

Confusion coats All Mights face and I gradually stop laughing, "I knew something was up! I just didn't think it was this."

Before he could ask anymore questions I breach away. So I was right... I'll have to ask him more questions. It goes quiet for the next minute or two. No rumbling, not even the wind was blowing.

Some smaller heroes and I go investigate more. Not surprisingly, we find nothing.

"Alright boys, I'm clocking out. Y'all have fun though," I say while waving to the heroes.

"Bye Wisteria!"

"We'll catch this villain no problem!"

"You can count on us!"

I smile under my mask and open a breach back home.

I hear talking come from my room. I set down my bags and open the door, "Wha-"

"Y/N! Finally I thought you got lost," Kuma says handing me a blanket. I lean back on my hind leg and look at them, "Yall playing monopoly?"

Lucifer nods while sucking on a lollipop. I put the blanket over my head and lay down on my bed, "Bet, but we gonna have to play spades or something after this."

"Sounds like a perfect night," Kuma exclaims.

Lucifer hands me a candy and I give a small smile.

"Y/n don't you wanna take off your mask, it's just us," Kuma says.

I shake my head, "No.. I think I'll keep it on for tonight." Somethings wrong... I can feel it.

Author J Out

Mine (a black succubus reader x Aizawa) Hiatus Where stories live. Discover now