CPU False Faceoff and Copypaste

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White Heart: What is hell's up with those three idiots shouting while pretending to hide in those bushes?

Black Heart: They're Planeptune's so-called CPUs... and well I won't tell you his name.

White Heart: Maybe you should think harder about the people you associate with.

Black Heart: Th-That's none of your business! Why are you even here? What business does Lowee's CPU have in my nation?

White Heart: Th-That's, uh... Well... Your dumbass nation doesn't impress me much, and, uh...

Black Heart: Don't dodge the question. It's got to be a big deal if the CPU herself came all this way.

Black Heart: No matter how much you dislike my nation, I can't think you'd come here just to bitch at me.

White Heart: Uh, of course there's more to it! I'd like to meet a CPU with that much time to kill!

Black Heart: Exactly. I'm pretty busy. Can you get to the point already?

White Heart: D-Don't rush me, dammit! Ready to pull the crap outta your ears and listen to me?! Uhhhh, so...

Lastation Guard: Lady Black Heart! We have a situation! A serious situation!

Black Heart: Huh? You again?

White Heart: Phew... Am I of the hook?

Neptune: Wow, I thought he was just some throwaway character, but this is his third appearance!

Pantheon: (We are in a game.) *Deep Long Sigh*

Neptune: I never would've guessed it! You're an impressive dude, you know that?

Lastation Guard: Huh? Um, thank you for your kind words...?

Plutia: But his name is just a generic one. It's too bad he didn't get an actual name...

Lastation Guard: U-Um, well, outside of this game, I do have an actual name...

Neptune: Don't you see, Plutie? The shock is that an NPC without an actual name has made three appearances.

Neptune: If he had a name, everyone'd know that he'd pop again, later see.

Plutia: Oooh. Now I get it...

Lastation Guard: An enlightening game design lecture, ladies. I see now the pros and cons to displaying an NPCs name.

Black Heart: Why the heck are you all getting wrapped up in a meta-discussion? Isn't there a crisis?

Lastation Guard: Oh! You're right! I slipped out of character!

Black Heart: So what happened? Tell me already.

Lastation Guard: Yes! I received word that someone is attacking one of our nation's software manufacturing factories!

Black Heart: What?! Who's responsible?!

Lastation Guard: Uh, I don't really know... That's kind of why I used the generic pronoun "someone."

Black Heart: Yes, I know that much, geez! You surely know the foe's number, and the scale of damage...?

Lastation Guard: Oh...no, sorry... I didn't listen to the whole report.

Black Heart: As soon as we're done here, this guy's fired. I should hurry over there! So, hey, Lowee's CPU!

White Heart: Huh? Whaddya want?

Black Heart: I don't know why you came here, but you better not pull any other unnecessary stunts. You got that?!

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