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This one's going to be a little bit shorter than usual :D

On with the one shot!!


It was a Friday afternoon, and all if Class 1-A were doing their own stuff around the common area.

Some were sleeping, some were watching the TV, some were exchanging music recommendations, and some were just fooling around the room.

Bakugo was one of the students who chose to chill on the coach. He had his earphones on, blasting some songs by Queen while he read a book he's been wanting to read for a while.

However, his sense of peace was ruined when somebody tapped his shoulder.

He ignored it at first, but they wouldn't stop poking him until he responded. So he frustratingly yanked his earphones out and turned to face the person behind him.

"What the fuck do you want from me??" Bakugo shouted when his eyes came in contact with Mina.

"Jeez, Bakubabe. No need to sound harsh." Mina lightly scoffed, her hands up in the air as if she was being arrested.

"Anyway, I need you to do something for me." She continued, putting her hands down and clapping them rapidly as a grin grew on her face.

"The hell do you want me to do?"

"Hmm.. I want you to.. kiss the cheek of whoever you find the cutest in this class." The pink girl smirked.

A moment of silence passed between the three of them. Once the ash blonde had processed the odd request, he let out a scoff and proceeded to make himself comfortable on the couch again.

"Tch. Like hell I'm doing that shit, leave me the fuck alone." He grumbled as he inserted one of the earphones back in his ear.

"Oh? Are you too much of a wimp to do it, Bakubro?"

"What the hell did you call me?!"

"A wimp, I called you a wimp. Chickening out of this, very simple, request that I gave. Is it because you don't have the balls do it?" Mina provoked, her smirk growing wider every second she bruises Bakugo's ego.

"I am not a fucking wimp, fucking Pinky!"

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Thanks for nothing, coward." She dismissively waved her hand and started to walk away.

She could only go so far, when Bakugo started shouting in rage at the accusation, which successfully gained the attention of everyone in the common room .

"You know what?! I'll show you who the damn coward is." He grumbled and went off storming to find the one particular person he had in his mind.

"OI DEKU!" The ash blonde shouted when he entered the kitchen, the rest of class 1-A trailing behind him.

The greenette's eyes went wide in slight fear and surprise at the mention of his name.

"K-Kacchan! I-" He stuttered, but was quickly shut down by Bakugo.

"Step aside, scum."

Midoriya let out a sigh of relief and shuffled over to the side where Uraraka was standing.

"Shitty Hair." He called, successfully grabbing the attention of the person who was peacefully looking for something to eat.

"Huh? Oh, Bakugo! What do you need-" Kirishima's speech was cut short when Bakugo suddenly grabbed his shoulders and swiftly placed a kiss on the unsuspecting redhead's cheek, keeping his lips there for a few seconds before quickly pulling away.

The action had both males blush profusely, and had class 1-A girls squeal like there's no tomorrow.

"There! I hope you're fucking happy!" Bakugo grumbled and shoved his hands back in his pockets, and basically ran back to his dorm.

"I FUCKING CALLED IT!! OI, DENKI, YOU OWE ME MONEY!" Mina yelled excitedly as she dashed back into the common area, in search of a certain blonde.

The rest of the class also retreated back to the common area once they had calmed down from what they just witnessed, and went back to doing their own thing.

But, one thing for sure was that there was non-stop teasing the following day. Especially from Mina.


"Uh, Kiribro? Are you dead?" Sero asked in concern as he poked a nearly passed out Kirishima still laying on the kitchen floor.

"He kissed me. Oh my God, he actually kissed me. Am I dreaming? Is this a dream? If this is a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up from it. Oh God, he kissed me." Kirishima mumbled non-stop, his face redder than his hair and his eyes and smile wider than the Grand Canyon.

"Yep, I'll come back for you later." Sero mumbled and made his way out of the kitchen, but not before hearing a loud-


"Aaaand he's officially insane."


So, I hope you enjoyed this short one shot HAHAHAHA

I'm a bit busy, so this is what I can put out for now.

BUT!!! Don't worry because I'll be sure to make up for it in the next one shot :3

See you in the next one! Mwah <3

See you in the next one! Mwah <3

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