After saying that, I walked away leaving her hanging.



Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.


-For the millionth time, Jo and I are not into each other.

-Oh, please- Cristina said-  you and Ponytail-McGee were canines in heat last night.

-What?- I raised an eyebrow.

-Whatever- Alex rolled his eyes.

-Told you they were doing it, babe- I held my hand it the hair for Jackson- pay up- he rolled his eyes and gave me 50 bucks- pleasure doing business with you, Dr Avery.

-We're not doing it.

-Too late- I smacked Jackson's hand when he tried to get his money back- besides if you wanna marry me what's yours is mine.

-So this muffin is mine- he raised his eyebrows and pointed at my muffin.

-Not if you want to keep those hands- I smiled and he chuckled.

-You two are, like, one drink away from crazy monkey sex- I choked as Cristina spoke to Alex- yeah, yeah, sunshine. Choke all you want, you know I'm right. Stuff her turkey. You'll feel better.

-I feel fine.

-Sure you do, sweetie- I humoured him with a smile. I looked at the door to see April with two burritos- hey, Apes.

-Hey! Here's a question, um, whatever happened to good old-fashioned romance?- I frowned- no stuffing of turkeys but you know, what about nice normal dates where people talk, share a meal, get to know each other, and then wind up together, not because they're monkeys, but because they have genuine feelings in a committed way. I mean, what is so wrong with that?

-They knock you up- I murmured smelling the burrito.

-Are you gonna eat all of those?- Mer said feeling the same way I did. April left and I looked at Jackson with pleading eyes.

-Yes, honey, I'll get you a burrito.

-Thanks- I pecked his lips- bring one for Mer too, please.

-Wrapped around her finger- Alex teased him before they both left.

-When is the wedding going to be?- Mer looked at me.

-When I don't look like a meatball.

-Good point- Cristina agreed.


-Every time I touch this thing, it deletes another patient- Mer said touching her IPad.

-It deletes a patient?

-I did the exact same thing this morning- Jo approached her- here. Let me see.

-Who are your stalkers?- I asked Alex and Jackson.

love on the brain [Jackson Avery]Where stories live. Discover now