"You're my best friend, Harry."

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Okay so kelseyyy1234567 wanted some more friends to lovers stuff, but this also has kind of an angry love/like confession too so I hope that's okay :)

I just wanted to say that I love you and I hope you're all doing okay. And if no one has told you this recently, I'm proud of you. I'm so unbelievably proud of you. You are amazing and if you feel down and like everything is falling apart, just imagine whatever you want your future to look like, even if it's completely impossible, imagine, and just spend some time there. Everything will be okay. You're going to be okay.

3rd person P.O.V

Harry moved his body further back into Louis' warmth, he felt so comfortable around him, with him. Maybe it was because he had known him for almost six years, or maybe it was that Louis had this kind of aura around him that automatically made Harry feel safe.

Louis' arm wrapped around Harry's waist tighter, pulling him closer as his eyes stayed fixed on the tv. Harry tried so hard to ignore the butterflies in his stomach, he wanted to ignore them, pretend that Louis was just his best friend and nothing more.

But deep down he knew that wasn't true, trying to pretend that you haven't been in love with your best friend for four years, isn't easy, at all. But Harry finds a way to deal with his feelings for Louis, he doesn't want to ruin their friendship, he knows Louis only likes him as a friend. And if he couldn't have him as boyfriend then he wanted to keep him as his best friend at least.

Harry turned his head away from Louis and looked over at Zayn, Liam and Niall who were fighting over the blanket on the other couch. Niall was squished in between them as he held onto the middle of the blue throw blanket, Zayn and Liam were both pulling at the edges trying to get it to cover their legs.

The five of them were sat in Liam's basement that he turned into their hang out space a few years ago, they now all come here to watch films and just relax. But it had no heating so it was freezing, and Liam refused to get up and get more blankets after the first marvel film started.

They were now well into the third film and they are still fighting over who got the most of the blanket. "If you three don't stop muttering I'm going to go over there and take the bloody thing away from you all." Louis said with a raised eyebrow as he looked over at the three now frozen boys.

Finally, Zayn let out a quiet huff and dropped the blanket from his grasp, letting it fall to his lap, Liam doing the same.

"I'm going to get up to get some drinks." Louis whispered to Harry who nodded and moved sideways slightly so Louis could get up.

The two of them have always been very touchy and much closer than the other boys, so it wasn't unusual to see them cuddling.

After a few minutes Louis returned with a few cans of beer and some bottles of water, he set them down on the glass coffee table in front of the tv and sat back down on the couch with a bottle of water in his hand. "Hey boys, Charlotte was telling me about a party at James' tonight, you wanna go?" Louis asked as he unscrewed the cap of his drink and took a sip.

"Yeah, could be fun." Liam answered first as he reached over and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Is it just our year group, or will there be other years there too?" Zayn murmured around a piece of pizza he was eating.

"Just our year, kinda like a party before all our exams start."

"Ah, I see, it's like a 'have some fun before you are dragged through hell and back'." Zayn laughed as Louis nodded.

"The joys of year eleven." Liam muttered before all the boys turned their attention back to the screen, everyone apart from Harry who was staring down at his hands.

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