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1. No swearing. Warriors has a lot of fans and some of them might learn some bad words. >~<

2. No mating/kitting scenes. Do I really have to explain myself?

3. Roleplay like this: Featherheart walked over to Goldenfur. "Are you okay?" She asked. NOT LIKE THIS: I walk over 2 you R u ok I ask

4. Hate the cat, not the person.

5. When you are talking out of context use ()

6. Tag the people you Roleplay with.

7. Ask before you slit their throats. (Come on people!)

8. Not too much gore.

9. Please don't fight out of context over a position.

10. I must approve of your prophesy if you ask for one. Just PM it to me.

11. I must also approve of your cat before you roleplay.

(The breaking of these rules WILL cause a three day ban from the roleplay, continuing to break the rules CAN and WILL have your character kicked from the roleplay)

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