Someone who will break her curse.

"It gives me hope," she mutters.

She turned away from the painting and set her eyes on Dib.

"It's also the inspiration for one of the greatest musicals of the last few years; Hadestown. I don't know, maybe you'll like it," she added.

"Why does it always have to come back to musicals?" Dib chuckled. (Y/N) shrugged.

As she lowered her shoulders, she felt something brush up against her fingertips. Moving her fingers slightly, she looked down to see Dib's fingers beginning to interlace with hers. A tight lump formed in her throat and her squiddly-spooch managed to tighten and drop at the same time. Dib's fingers were slipping with sweat as his heartbeat quickened.

"Do you mind?" he forced out, hoping that she says "no."

Her fingers relaxed into his as her lips curved into a smile, shaking her head in response to his earlier question. Now it was Dib's turn to smile.

The two continued walking through the gallery, fingers interlocked the entire time.

Dib grinned at that same memory that had been replaying in his head every time he closed his eyes. He remembered it vividly. The harshness of her leather gloves, the butterflies that danced in his stomach when they first touched hands, and the complete bliss he felt then. He felt weightless.

Nothing else mattered except her.

He stared up at his dimly lit ceiling, thinking of nothing except her.

Her bell-like laugh, angelic singing voice, witty comebacks, kindness, gentle nature, intelligence, and also she was an alien who did not want to probe him. She never called him crazy. She enjoyed his company. She only laughed when he was being intentionally funny. 

All he wanted to do was be next to her again. Hold her hand and make her smile. Have her ruby eyes light up like the night sky

With that thought in his mind, his heartbeat slowed down, and allowed him to drift off to sleep.


The screeching of Dib's little sister Gaz managed to snap Dib awake.

"I've been listening to your stupid MCR alarm for the past few hours now!"

Dib rubbed his eyes, adjusting to reality and finally hearing "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance, blaring throughout his room.

"What time is it?" he wondered, turning the alarm off.

"Almost one!" Gaz snapped. "Jeez what do you do at night? Stalk Zim and that girl you like on your security cameras?"

Dib's face went white. "I don't stalk Zim...anymore."

Sleeping Beauty|||Dib X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن