There was a light snicker from the back of the room coming from Tobias, he smiled at Tris before walking to the centre of the room. "Okay guys, listen up! The game's simple. Just like "Capture the Flag."

"Weapon of choice." Eric appered next to him, holding up a long, slim gun,

"Call that a gun?" I heard Molly muttering to Drew, the pair were giggling amongst themselves and mocking Eric.

Eric spins round to Molly and aims the gun at her leg, firing a single shot, causing her to scream out in agony and collapse to the floor. He walked over to her casually and ripped the dart from her leg, holding it up in the air for everyone to see,

"Neurostim dart. Simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound, only lasts a couple of minutes. Two teams. Four and I are captains. I'll pick first" Eric pretended to scan the room looking for someone to pick, everyone knew who his first choice was going to be- "Edward." he said with a smug look,

"I'll take the Stiff." Tobias called out, refering to Tris. Of course he would pick her, he's been drooling all over Tris since we all got here.

"Oh. Picking the weak ones so you got someone to blame when you lose."

"Something like that." a mischevious smirk grew on Tobias' face as Eric was clearly missing something with Tobias' plan.

"Alright, next I'll take Baby." oh shit

"Will." Four shouted,

"Peter" said Eric, I cursed under my breath. This was the last place I wanted to be right now.


The train stopped and we had arrived at an old abandoned amusement park, the place was filled with dust and rusted metal, giving the air around us a metallic taste as I breathed. The rest of Eric's team and I gathered around the bottom of the western tower, "Right, Molly you take the flag. Go to the top of that tower and don't come down, guard it like your life depends on it." Eric told her, passing over a neon, glowing orange piece of fabric. "The rest of you I want holding an defense position here next to these steel containers. Split into three groups. Baby and Peter I want you two out scouting for Four's team's flag, they ran off towards the carousels and ferris wheel, I'd start there. Alright?" I reluctently nodded, "Good, let's go win this guys."

"C'mon let's get this over with." I turned around and said to Peter, who closely followed me,

"Whatever you say, princess." he sighed,

"Stop calling me that."

"I'll call you whatever I want, princess." his drone of a voice mocked me and drove me mad, I tried to focus my mind on the task at hand, ignoring his snide little comments and odd choice of nicknames. "So, what made you choose dauntless?" his annoying voice chirped up again as we made our way through the amusement park.

"Really? We're getting into that now?" I laughed, "It was my test result, isn't that obvious?"

"I'm just trying to be civil Baby" he said, "I'm making conversation, you know, like normal people."

I guess that would make me seem like a bitch for not trying to be somewhat nice, especially since he wasn't being patronising for once. "I chose it because of my test result. I've always known I amounted to more than just being in abnegation..."

Peter froze, stopping in his tracks, "I thought you transferred from Erudite...?" he narrowed his eyes. fuck.

"Yeah, yeah I meant Erudite. I wasn't thinking." I tried to laugh it off. Peter stepped closer to me, his chocolate-brown eyes fixed on my own, feeling like they bore a hole into my head as he attempted to read my mind. I suddenly realised we hadn't been this close since our little knife fight incident, I'd forgotten the warm feeling his body seemed to radiate being stood so close, I'd forgotten the prominent smell of pine and cedarwood that emitted from his chest and neck.

"You're lying" he stated, his eyes still narrowed and staring deeply,

"No, I'm not."

"I didn't spend my whole life in Candor to not know when someone is lying. Where are you really from? ...Abnegation?"

I sighed, "Yes. I was born in Abnegation. I ran into some trouble so I had to leave and Jeanine took me in at Erudite. There, that's all you need to know." his face screwed up into further confusion as he looked at me with slight suspision, "What about you, why'd you chose dauntless?" I changed the subject,

"Same as you. I knew I was destined to be something bigger and better than just an honest guy." Peter strolled beside me now, hand in his pocket, then other holding his gun. Gun.....?

Shit, I forgot we were still playing this game. "Shhh!" Peter whispered, holding his free arm over my stomach to stop me as someone from the other team walked past. Peter grabbed me by the waist and pulled me behind the closest wall, holding me close to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat quicken with every second, pounding against his ribcage. I held my breath as the mysterious person stopped and looked around. It was a girl, I caught sight of her hair swishing in a ponytail. Dropping to the ground slowly, I picked up a stone from the floor, Peter's hand was firmly on my shoulder stopping me from falling as I wobbled trying to get back up. I threw the stone in our opposite direction and the girl's head snapped towards the sound and she sprinted away.

Carefully, Peter and I walked around the corner, staying close to any area we could possibly jump in to hide. I peered around the corner of a barrel, there were six of them guarding the neon yellow flag. We were outnumbered badly. "Fuck it." Peter said, running out from behind the barrel towards the next, firing his gun randomly towards the crowd of people. And he couldn't possibly tell me he was planning on this? Two fell down to the ground, grasping different parts of their bodies in agony, maybe this plan could work after all. Fuck it.

I ran out from the barrel following Peter, trying to aim my gun at them better than he did. I managed to get two more down before a searing pain entered my chest, I'd been shot. The pain was so unbearable I let out a loud cry, hoping it would ease the pain, it didn't. Peter shot up from his hiding spot, effortlessly hitting the rest of the guards down before running over to me, "Shit Baby, are you okay?" his eyes were wide and his movements were hesitant, like he wanted to help but had no idea how I would react.

"It's just a stim dart Peter, I'm fine. Stings like a bitch though." I said, attempting to sit up as the pain faded into a weird cramping sensation across my chest.

Loud cheers were heard from the other side of the park the same time a static noise came through our radio, "They won guys, it's too late." Edward's voice rang out of the box on Peter's left hip. Peter sighed in defeat and laid on the floor next to me, out of breath and exhausted. The most frustrating part is that the flag was only a few metres out of reach, but my dumbass got shot and made a drama of things. We could have so easily won.

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