- Farewell? (Extended Version)

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I ran up to the roof and sat at the edge, I cried. Why would he ask me that?! What does that even mean? He won't try to remember?! Okay Ally, calm down. I sighed. Jay will remember, just don't lose hope in him. I bit my lip, what if my baby never remembers? Then what? What we be of him? Of BTS? Of my family? I cried more.


The next day BTS came over, Jay was at the living room watching TV with the babies.

RM: So..how's he doing?

Suga: Yeah, our manager needs to speak with him.

"Not yet.. he doesn't remember much.."

Jungkook: Hyung..

V: It's okay, have you shown him around? Spoken to him?

"Yes. I've done those things, I don't think it helps though, it just let's him know what he's done but he can't remember how or when he did it."

Jin: Aish.. does he remember anything of BTS?

"I'm not sure.."

Jimin: Hyung will be okay guys, really. He will regain all his memory when you least expect it.

Maybe Jimin's right. But when will that be?

"Hopefully it'll be soon."

RM: Yeah.. our fans are showing support all over the media. They hope Hobie gets well soon.

I smiled, I hope so too.

Jimin: Shall we go see him?

I nodded and they followed behind. Jay got up when he said us walk in.

J-Hope: Aye..hey guys.

Jimin: Hyung..do you remember?!

J-Hope: Could you guys please stop asking me? It's kinda annoying.

"Yeah..just..let him speak."

They nodded, I left with the triplets. We agreed they can spend a full day together.



Hobie seems fine, but I'm sad he's in the same position Ally was in a few years ago. What if he never remembers *-*


Jungkook came towards me.

"Wanna go with Hobie hyung to get ice cream?" He said.

I nodded.

Walking to the store was quiet. Hobie wasn't saying much, I wonder if he's acting like he doesn't know.

"Hyung.." I said.

"Yes?" He said.

"Ally is trying hard to help you.."

"I know. I know she is, I'm trying to help myself as well, I guess I need a few days."

"Have you remembered anything so far?"

"I know I'm apart of BTS. I know I have talent, I know you guys. You guys are my family, my brothers."

My eyes widen. Jungkooks too.

Jungkook: Hyung!

He hugged Hobie.

J-Hope: Heh... how could I ever forget you guys?

"When did you remember?"I asked.

J-Hope: Like.. a few minutes ago.

Jungkook: It just came back to you?

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