"Ambulance is on the way. ETA 5 minutes out" said the dispatcher

"Valerie ? Can you hear me?" I asked while trying to wake her

Her eyes open but barely. Her breathing was slow as well.

"Jay..." she whispered

"Stay with me. Help is on the way" I said

I lifted her up and carried her out to the ambulance once it arrived. I rode in the back with her as the ambulance made their way to med. Once at med I got out and went in with her. There I met up with Will.

"Hey Jay, what do we got?" Will asked

"It's Valerie. She passed out at the flower shop. Pulse is stable though" I said

"Okay. I'll take care of her. You need to go take the DNA test. Sara is waiting for you. Valerie will still be here when you are done. Don't worry, I'll let you know everything" Will says

"Thanks bro" I said before heading upstairs to the lab

- 3 hours later-

Val's POV

I wake up to the sound of a beeping noise. I open my eyes with my vision still kind of blurry. I blink a couple of times before it got clearer. I look around the room and it turns out I'm in a hospital room. I look over and there was Jay sitting there on his phone.

"Hey" I said trying to sit up

"Hey. Be careful, don't do too much" Jay says

"What happened?" I asked

"You passed out at the flower shop" he said

"Oh. Maybe from the dizziness I was experiencing this morning" I said

"I'll go get Will" Jay says

I nod before fixing myself and scooting myself up. I recently have been dizzy the past couple of weeks. Maybe not hydrating myself and overworking myself. Nothing else would be wrong.

"Hello Valerie. How are you feeling?" Will asked coming in with Jay

"I feel fine. Just a bit drained. Do you have an answer on why I passed out?" I asked

"We ran some tests, your scans are normal. You are absolutely healthy" Will says looking at his chart

"Okay so nothing is wrong with me?" I asked a bit confused

"No, but I want to ask you, when was your last period?" Will asked

"About 3 months ago but it is a side effect from getting off of birth control" I said

"Well for some cases, yes. But as for your case, I'm here to congratulate you with the news that you are in fact pregnant" Will smiles

"PREGNANT!?! How far along?" I said in shock

"Exactly 3 months" Will said

"There is no way" I said looking at Jay

"Is there a mistake?" Jay asked

"Nope. Valerie is 100% pregnant" Will says

Jay and I exchange looks before turning to Will.

"I'll discharge you and get you some pre-natals . I wish you the best of luck" Will says before walking out

"This can't be happening..." I said in shock and panicking at the same time

"Val look at me" Jay says walking over by my side

"I can't do this Jay"

"Have you been with anyone else these past few months?"

"No. It was just you"

"Okay, so your pregnant with my child"


"Listen to me, we'll figure out a way to deal with this news"

"Not when you have your hands full with Luke" I said

"He's not mine. He's someone elses" Jay says


"Sara just wanted revenge. She is gone now. I'm all yours if you'll have me"

"I don't know Jay. This is all too much"

"We don't have to be together. We'll just be friends who have a child together"

I just sit here and just stare at him. Trying to look for answers and trying to convince myself that this is what is meant to be. Maybe I have the chance to do this over. Maybe I can do this like I did before. But is it worth it to have Jay in the picture this time. So many things running through my mind while we sit here and decide what we're going to do.


Hi lovelies!

Sorry about the late update. I've been busy with graduation! I officially graduated with a B.S. of Criminal Justice. Now onto the real world.

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