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I was currently running some errands cause the house needed some things. After I got done putting the groceries in the car I closed the trunk.

Yes I'm driving without a license and do I gave a fuck? No.

When I got home, I took everything in and started putting everything away. West came in and I gave him a smile

"What you feel like eating tonight?" I asked him so I know what to cook. He sighed, I feel like something is bothering him.

"West what happened?" I walked up to him looking worried.

"You have to go." He said with no emotion. I was confused

"What do you mean go? Go where?" Is he breaking up with me? Is he seeing someone else?

"Where is this coming from?" I asked him cause he wasn't answering me.

"Kaya some people threatened to take your life and I can't take any chances. I can't be with you 24/7 to protect you and if something was to happen to you I would lose it." I listened to every word that was coming out his mouth.

"West I can take care of myself, I'm gonna be fine. You don't need to worry about me. I'm gonna stay here with you." I told him, he shook his head letting go of my hand

"No no, you don't understand. You was been supposed to go, I wanted you to graduate first. Kaya you're safer out of this city. When I clear everything, you can come back." At this point I was angry, sad and lost. Why didn't he say anything sooner?

"Where am I going? Are you coming with me?" I looked up at him hoping the answer to the question was yes.

"No, I got you place in Cali. I don't know how long you'll have to stay but everything is settled. Your plane leaves at 4:00 a.m." he said, I starting pacing back and forth cause what? This is all new news to me, I would have to leave Ella, the girls and my aunt behind.

"West I can't, I can't leave everybody behind." I walked away going upstairs  refusing to hear more. I opened my room door to see boxes. All my stuff was packed up already, I turned around looking at west.

"Are you serious, NO IM NOT GOING!" I yelled at him "I'm not leaving you."  I wiped my face cause the tears were coming.

"This is hard for me too, but baby I promise I will take care of them niggas. I'm not going to waste no time, I'm gonna come get you soon okay. You'll be back before you know it." He pulled me into a tight hug and I cried on his chest. He wiped my face kissing my lips after.

"I love you baby, and after this shit is settled imma put a kid in there." That caused me to laugh a lil.

"No way, I don't want kids." I said to him. He sucked his teeth

"Yea Aigh, how about you wear something sexy so I can take you on one last date?" He said to me, I smiled at him and he returned it.

"Okay," I said softly

"I'll pick you up at 8, don't take long. I'll see you later ma." He kissed my lips once more before leaving out the house.

I FaceTimed and told her everything west just told me.

"No fucking way, but Cali not that far kaya. I promise imma visit you every chance I get. It's not over for us." She said smiling through the camera.

"Aww I love you bitch. West is taking me out and I have no clue what to wear since all my shit already packed up." I sucked my teeth and started looking at the boxes, I noticed they were labeled so it wouldn't be that hard.

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