Meet The Gilbert's

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The raging inferno faded from veiw as her life burned out of her.

[Initiating System Binding to Host 999. World locating in progress. Please stand by. ]

Death is Normal.

But having a thirst for life is too.

Neena Winston had that thirst. So, when a defective AI system promised she could live as long as she became its Experience Supplier, Neena only hesitated for a second.

She was a middle-class low-talented paper pusher in an almost bankrupt company and died in a fire because of faulty wires. A very painful way to die.  She, better than anyone, knew that there were far better people who deserved this second chance.

‘What do I have to do, System?’ She asked it.

The darkness became the backdrop for the glowing golden words.

[Host 999 will be transferred to a suitable world where you will come into contact with the world’s children. After you have survived the Plot for two years, System 143 will gain the experience of that world through your soul. Once the experience is transferred, System 143 will evolve from a Novel System to Fiction System and leave. The host may either choose to keep living in the Mission World or may pass on to be reincarnated.]

‘So, we are going inside a novel?’

[No. We will be traveling to a movie or TV show realm.]

‘But, aren’t you a Novel System?’

[This is an Update Mission. Update Missions take place in movies and TV shows. Successful Update means the System can choose the medium of the story according to host preference.]

‘Oh. Now I feel that's unfair.’

[Host life and death was not special enough for permanent binding to the system]


[Binding complete. Host 999 transferred to world 666. Identity and memory of host will be transferred when you wake up in the Story World. System information says host is aware of Story Plot. System will contact host 999 after 720 days of Plot development. Happy Journey]

‘Wait! I still have questions! What do you mean I have Plot awareness? Where are we going? Are you not going to contact me before-'

The world turned dark.

The sound of chirping birds woke Neena up. It was a new experience.
She had lived in an over crowded orphanage in a small alleyway in New York most of her life. And then moved to a more polluted area apartment when she moved out.

With a smile she rushed to the body length mirror.

The girl in the mirror was exotic and tragic to look at. Her long black hair was a mess, unruly and not taken care of for at least a week. Her blue-gray eyes were puffy, bloodshot. Her skin was tanned but waxy, like she had not bathed for some time. It felt sticky and there was a burnt smell coming off her. The poor child. She was probably 17 or 18.

As Neena observed her new body came the memories it contained. Memories that made her want to cry hysterically and also scream in excitement.

The new body was called Aleena Gilbert, Ally for short. They were different. Aleena was beautiful, she was not. Aleena was the queen bee, Neena was the worker. Aleena had family, Neena was an unwanted orphan. But most importantly, Aleena was a witch and Neena was normal, until now.

The world she was in, was the Vampire Diaries. Excellent.

Now she knew why the mission was to survive 2 years of plot. Surviving in a town that was crawled by every creature of the night while being the sister of the protagonist was definitely System upgrade experience worth.

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