Our Favorite Day💕

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Meeting Deku at his agency the following day, you and Suki gave him a box with a bunch of little goodies inside of it, on top was the shirt that you and Mina bought the day before; It said, "God-Father." Deku looked up at you and Suki, extremely confused. You said, "Keep going, there's more!" He moved the shirt, and placed it on his desk, then he sees the sonogram. He looked back up at you guys and said," Y-You? and K-Kacchan? Baby? God-Father? Me?" "Yes, ya damn nerd!" Suki said. You smiled so big and said, "Haha! Yeah. We want you to be the God-Father. It was my idea, Suki has no say in it at this point. Although, he did agree that if anything were to happen to us, that child will be taken good care of by you. It's just that, We don't know who to choose for God-mother because it is usually couples, but I'm sure we will figure it out. We have time! That shirt is only to be used on the day of the gender-reveal, baby shower, and when you visit the baby when I give birth!" Deku was in shock, his emotions got the best of him and he started crying, but he was extremely excited and asked if he can give you a hug. You opened your arms for him, and he came in for a hug and said, "Congrats y/n... Kacchan. Thank you. It will be an honor to be your baby's god-father. I will do my best!" Suki said, "Damn Deku! You're still a cry baby just as you've always been!" You hit him on the stomach and said, "Shut up, dumbass! Be nice. You're ruining our moment." He replied to you with a "Tsk." And you looked at him with your 'if looks can kill' stare.

At the graveyard, you made it a routine that every time you went, you would take a blanket and something to eat and have a chat about what is going on in your life and keeping your parents up to date on what is going on, this has been the longest you've gone without visiting because you wanted to go there with Suki. You had a little picnic and you both were talking about little things.

Suddenly Suki says, "I have a little confession..."

"Yeah? What is it?"

He says, "I might have came here a while back to ask them for permission to ask for your hand in marriage later down the line, of course it was before I found out about your pregnancy. Then, right when I asked them, two red birds, called Cardinals showed up out of the blue and landed right on top of their tombstones. I tried to touch them, the one on your mom's sat on my hand, and the one on your dad's bit me, right before sitting on my hand as well. I, later on did some research and found out it is said that if a Cardinal visits you, it is someone who has passed away coming to visit."

"Oh, is that right? Haha! My dad would've totally pretended to hate you if he were to meet you. He likes putting up a front, but it's only fun and games to him. So, it's funny how the one that was on my dad's tombstone bit you before cuddling up to you. that very much sounds like him. That makes me so happy to hear."

Suddenly, one cardinal appears on his head, and one tries to steal some of Suki's food. And both of you start laughing. Before leaving, you put a waterproof frame that you made fit between their two tombstones so that it wouldn't fly away with any kind of weather because you had plans for their tombstones in the future, it was just a temporary thing. In the picture frame, there was a few little slots, and one of them you put a copy of the sonogram. and you said, "See you later, Grandma and Grandpa. I love you."

Then headed off to see Misu and Pa and tell them the news.

Misu and Pa were sitting at the table and they got excited to see you, so they jumped out of their seats and gave you a hug. You said to them that you and Suki have a wonderful surprise for them and you gave them a card each and one said, "Hi, Grandma!" The other, "Hi, Grandpa!" You Gave them their shirts while they were opening the card, then you told them to look at the back of the card (the sonogram was printed on the back) They got so excited the jumped up from their seats and Misu started yelling, "OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!!!!!!!!" *starts crying dramatically* and Pa, being a man of little words, said, "I'm speechless.... I just can't wait to hold the little thing in my arms. Congrats, you will make fine parents."

Misu was still over there jumping and started jumping and hugging you. She said, "Well, Gah-damn, Katsu! You better not fuck this one up, you brat!" *Messes with his hair* "Get your hands off of me you old hag! I'm going to be the #1 dad. Just watch!" Misu gasps and says "Oh my gosh, baby shopping.. LETS GO!" You start laughing and crying tears of joy because the reactions you've been getting have been the best you could've asked for.

Truly, this day was your second favorite day.

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