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Later in the day, Seongmin was up on the rooftop of the school, playing with a drone he had been gifted from Allen on his 17th birthday. He enjoyed playing with it a lot. He was working with the controller when he heared the door open. He panicked and quickly ran behind a nearby wall to hide.

A second later, Minhee came through the door, tracking his steps with a pedometer he had found on his way up. As he looked around, he noticed the drone, which was still flying in the air. He smiled slightly, showing some interest in the flying drone. The door started to open again, which made Minhee make a run for the wall where Seongmin was. When he got there, Seongmin was about to tell him something, the older putting a hand over his mouth.

"Shut it Seongmin! Someone's coming!" Minhee whispered harshly. Woobin then came through the door, passing by the wall and seeing the two boys, Minhee's hand still over Seongmin's mouth. He looked at them in confusion.

"Are you two hermits or something?" Woobin joked, then hearing the door open again. He panically went behind the wall with them. They watched as their teacher came to the roof, looking around for something, whether it be them or someone else. All of them looked at his outfit. Woobin couldn't help but stifle a laugh at how bad his outfit was. He couldn't help but think he could do better than that. Seongmin made a small noise, causing the older two to look at him.

"Shut up, Seongmin!" They whisper-yelled at him. The youngest pouted in frustration. They heard as the teacher opened the door and left. They all looked at each other, and laughed happily.

"I guess our teacher isn't as smart as we thought," Seongmin joked, finally being able to speak. They all sighed in releif.

"Thank goodness he couldn't find us! I didn't want to go back to math class," Woobin said, making the two others look at him.

"Dang it, Woobin! You're the reason we had to hide??" Minhee scolded, Woobin nodding.

"I hate you right now."

Hideout (A Cravity Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon