Only for This Night

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It was time for bed already, so everybody had left. This night was very fun as the whole village was celebrating the new village head's birthday for the first time. Moreover, they strived harder than usual. The telescope and observatory they had never seen before, they made it from scratch. How glad of them to see their head surprised and overjoyed with excitement.

Well, Senku answered it with his usual logical statement, as usual. But all villagers knew their hardwork was not in vain.

Around two hours before midnight, Senku decided to sleep. He was already tired from the cave exploration, plus the party all night. He spread the rug brought from his bedroom. He wanted to sleep in his new observatory.

"Stars in stone world are really beyond mesmerizing. I couldn't see this view back in the modern world. Too much light noises," Senku murmured as he stared to the opened window in his observatorium. "I'm glad they made this for me."

Little did he know, Gen came from downstairs. Lucky mentalist, he could see Senku smile in pleased.

"Ara... Why didn't you say that to the villagers back then?" Senku turned around, seeing Gen approached him and took a seat at his right. ".... if you're that happy."

"Ck," Senku showed his typical smile. "You know that I'm not that type of person."

"Yeah, you always lie with feelings. Ah! Are you a tsundere, Senku-chan?"

Senku slapped Gen's head, lightly. "Where's that come from, huh, Mentalist?"

"Hehe... From my psychology knowledge, I think???"

"I'm 10 billion percent there's no tsundere-word in any psychology journal references," Senku replied curtly. He got up from his sleeping position, sat beside Gen.

"Yeah, of course there aren't. But you are, based on our Japanese culture." Gen smiled. "Why don't you try to be more honest about your feelings, Senku-chan?"

Senku raised his left eyebrow. "I couldn't even do that to my only family." He silenced for a while. "And my life are doing okay without that."

"Sometimes, letting it out will lighten up your heart. Why don't you try it on this day only —your birthday?"

Senku didn't give any reply.

"If you want to, of course. Maybe I just want to see your honest side."

Senku turned his head, facing Gen. "Why do you want to do so?"

Gen also looked at Senku who was staring him, waiting for an answer. "Because... I am a mentalist. Human psychology is always my interest," Gen replied awkwardly.

"Now, you're the one who dishonest. Aren't you?" The younger man was still staring at the mentalist intensely.

The situation became more awkward. Gen didn't know how to answer Senku's direct question. The silence stayed for a minute which felt like days.

"Alright. Only for this night." Senku broke the silence. "And only to you."

Senku could see Gen's cheek got redden. He smiled lightly, trying so hard not to get noticed. Cute, he thought.

Honesty (Senku x Gen)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant