Another week ended unknowingly. Yibo was very busy because of election so he couldn't even find time even to talk with Zhan. Zhan was in concern about Yibo's safety the most but he secretly investigate about Guo Cheng's kidnap.

The day before the election, Wang Yibo settled everything and took a rest. Zhan went to the hospital to find some informations while Yibo was resting. Zhan went to the counter and asked the girl at the counter something. But before she could answer, Zhan's phone rang. He immediately went away, and answered.

"Yes sir, No sir I wasn't with the president, I took half leave for something personal. What happened?" Zhan's eyes widened in shock and suddenly left the hospital hearing what the caller had told him.

When he entered to the presidential house, he saw a group of police with bunch of trained police dogs wandering around the presidential house.

He entered to the building. He saw Song Jiyang talking with one of Yibo's guards.

"Sir, how did this happened? He was in his room. If he wasn't, I will never leave him." Zhan said suddenly as he reached Jiyang.

"Okay ,you can leave now..." Jiyang said to the guard and turned to Zhan after the guard left them.

"Did you forget about the tunnels? You failed in your duty again. don't try to make excuses..." Jiyang said angrily.

"But how can someone kidnap him when he was in his room. Only few us knew about that tunnels." Zhan said.

"Yubin knew right?" Jiyang asked.

"But he is arrested... how can he kidnap someone?" Zhan asked ,tilting his head.

"Not really, he escaped from us last night. And he was mad at the president because of Yifei..." Song Jiyang said.

"What about Yifei? " Zhan asked angrily. Jiyang took out a voice recorder and gave it to Zhan.

"Listen to it. You will know..." Jiyang said. Zhan played the recorder. Zhan heard two voices and he recognized those are Yubin's and Jiyang's.

"If you are not with those criminals why did you kidnap Miss.Wang?" Jiyang asked.

"It's non of your business... and she isn't a criminal. She is innocent. She got kidnapped as she dropped by her so called lover, someone began to threat her with her personal videos and you guys arrested her, saying that she's a criminal... do you know how she feel..." Yubin's voice was full of anger.

"Yubin, only thing I can say that she has fooled you or you are trying to fool us" Jiyang said angrily.

"It's not you or me who fooled by someone. It's Zhan... That fool, I thought he's my friend but he fooled by that stupid president boy and dropped Yifei. That boy is the reason whatever happened to her..." Yubin yelled. Record ended.

"What do you think Zhan?" Jiyang asked. Zhan sighed.

"How did he escape?" He asked after few seconds.

"It's Chen Xiao. He has sprayed chloroform at our agents and escaped with Yubin." Jiyang said with a sigh.

"We must find Yibo soon... his life is in a danger..."Zhan said with tearful eyes.

"We should but there is another problem..." Jiyang held his tablet at Zhan. That was an article. Zhan's face changed as he saw the headline.

'President Wang Yibo is missing after killing a girl'

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS???" Zhan shouted and began to read the article.

"It saying that president raped and killed her.
An hour after his abduction, the rumour began to spread. This was exacerbated by an interview with a girl who claimed to be a friend of the dead girl." Jiyang said. Zhan felt like his heart about to explode.

"The dead girl and her friend, campusmates of President. We tried hard to clear those rumours from the internet but it has already became a big news. This is surely a big trap for Mr.Wang. so this is the plan to remove him from their way... maybe Yubin isn't the oe who kidnapped Mr.Wang..." Jiyang said suddenly.

"No, he's their spy for sure. All he said to you, all are just lies... I don't know what to do now..." Zhan said, Scratching his hair in confusion.

"Don't worry Zhan. I will find him for you. I promise you..." Jiyang said while patting his shoulder understanding Zhan's feelings.

"If you feel unwell, just go home and rest..." Jiyang said worriedly. Zhan couldn't help but nodded and left the presidential house.

Zhan entered his house and closedthe door soundly. He removed his jacket and threw it to the floor with anger. He felt he can't control himself. He kicked a chair near him. He grabbed the big flower vase in corner and threw it to the floor. It broke in to small pieces. His anger slowly turned pain. He held his heart and kneeled on the floor. Tears, began to fell over his face unknowingly. That night he couldn't eat anything. He tried to sleep but he couldn't. He thought about a plan to save Yibo but nothing came to his mind. While thinking, he fell to asleep unknowingly.

In the morning, he awakened by a phone call. He wiped his eyes and grabbed his phone. It was Song Jiyang. He slided the screen and answered.

"ZHAN! We found Mr.Wang Yibo. We are going to attack the kidnappers and rescue him. We need your accompany. I'll send you the location."Jiyang said suddenly. Zhan suddenly stood up answered.

"Okay sir I'll be there" Zhan said happily and hanged up. then he received the location from Song Jiyang. Zhan got ready and left the house.


What do you think? Will Zhan save our president?

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Stay safe and healthy. Love u all ❤

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