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The rest of the day seemed awkward for Bob. Yes he did continue to work at his restaurant away from Jimmy but something didn't feel the same, he felt....guilty?? As if he has to tell his boyfriend about it or else he'd keep carrying this big amount of stress on him, the shift ended and while the kids slept upstairs Bob stayed downstairs thinking about the conversation with Linda...what he didn't understand is where her depression came from and if she's going to not take care of herself. Bob thought deeply about this when he flinched from the sharp sound of the bells from above the door ring when Jimmy entered the restaurant "Hey Bob! I missed you!" He went over to Bob and gave him a hug, Bob leaned in and gave him a quick kiss "J-Jimmy! What are you doing here?" Jimmy shrugs and responds "Whaaat? Am I not allowed to check up on the love of my life?" Bob looked away "You just scared me for a second..." Jimmy asks "Is there something wrong?..you're not acting like yourself babe?" He leans into the conversation curiously wondering what's going on with him, Bob backs away and kept to himself, Jimmy comes closer and places his hands on Bob's waist "Baby...you can tell me anything..is there something wrong.." Bob thinks to himself while he looks on the floor and comes up with what may be one of the worst excuses he could have said "Okay fine..you win...I was just worried you'd see how much I NEED you-" he said in a quick panick, to make it more believable he pressed his body against Jimmy. Jimmy was took by surprise "Come on babe, are you sure there's not something wrong?" He placed his hand on Bob's shoulder. Bob nodded and looked up, Jimmy shrugged and leaned in to kiss him "Babe I know there's something wrong but why won't you tell me?" Right before Bob could say anything he heard yet again the sound of the door opening, his heart sank when he heard a familiar voice "Bobby!! Where are you??" LINDA stepped into the kitchen to find Jimmy's hands on Bob's hips and their faces really close to each other's faces, All three of them gasped in unison "Bobby!! Why is Jimmy Pesto's arms around you??? And why is his hands on your hips??....is he your boyfriend?........." Linda frowned, Jimmy slowly turned to face Bob. Bob slowly turned back to meet Jimmy's now seemingly darker green eyes "Bob...have you been seeing Linda this whole time?..." Bob felt himself quickly becoming mortified seeing that betrayed/angry expression on his boyfriend's face. He bit his lip seeing them both waiting for a response "I....No....I haven't been seeing her but I have received a few text messages from her..." Jimmy looked away not even wanting to see his face "show me them." Bob took out his phone and showed him the text messages, Jimmy S N A P P E D "Were you planning to keep our relationship a secret or something!!?" Bob raised his voice back trying to sound tough but clearly intimidated "No!! I just-" Jimmy yelled "No I don't want to hear it! How dare you raise your voice at me when I did absolutely nothing wrong? Did I do something to cause this? Was I not a good boyfriend or why are you talking to her???!" Bob lowered his voice feeling ashamed "She text me first...Jimmy please understand...I was worried for her..I was worried her depression was getting worse and she wasn't going to do well..." Jimmy had a disgusted look on his face "Did you ever think about me at all??? Did you think about how I would take it??" Bob began to cry "Yes I did!!" Jimmy yelled "Then why did you do it!? She's your ex!?" Linda interfered with the conversation "He was only trying to look out for me! Yes I'm mad that he moved on so quickly to be with you Jimmy but he didn't mean to hurt you!" Jimmy snapped at her "Shut the hell up" he stormed off leaving the restaurant, Bob ran after him not looking back "Jimmy please!!" He tugged onto his sleeve and Jimmy responded by screaming "NO!!" He kept trying to shake Bob off of him but instead started becoming a little more aggressive, he pushed him off and quickly took out his keys, got in his car and drove off, Bob was left there on the street on his knees crying, Linda felt bad but there was nothing she could do so she just left him there to cry, Bob got back up and started slowly walking back to his dimly lit restaurant, he went inside and found himself in the kitchen banging his head against the desk "why did I do that...."

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu