The Rules

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Sam's POV-

I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. I laid in my bed shirtless in plaid boxers. I changed and washed up, walking downstairs into the kitchen. "How's it going sleepy head?" Elton said, chucking a bottle of pedialyte my way. "Am I really that hung over?" Elton laughed. "Dude you really don't remember last night do you? Aaron said, popping up from around the corner. "I remember Jake used the cheap Vodka." I looked down at the kitchen counter to a piece of paper titled "Dare".

"What is this?" I grabbed the paper, holding it up to the guys to see. "You really don't remember last night do you?" Jake appeared from the kitchen. "What is this?" Jake grabbed the piece of paper out of my hand. "Tara and Devyn said that the dare had to be official because she thought one of you would back out." In a split second, I remembered everything. It wasn't a dream, it happened. "You signed the piece of paper shortly before blacking out. Corey and Colby had to carry you up to your bed." I looked down at the piece of paper, reading what it had said.

The Dare:

- Hug atleast twice a day in the morning and night time

- Hold hands for atleast a minute per day

- Go on 4 dates

- Spend a night together in the same bed

- Write a list of 10 reasons why you like eachother

- Have a movie sleepover with Tara and Devyn


Samantha (Crossed out)



I signed that? Jake but in "Well Samantha did, but Tara made you write your actual name. That's why she crossed Samantha out." "Does Colby remember any of this?" Elton pulled a seat up to the kitchen table. "Hope so, he signed it. Haven't heard from him since that night." Right as Elton finished sitting down, We heard someone come down from the stairs. I was nervous it was Colby when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned over shyly to see Corey had woken up. "How are you feeling?" I tried to smile to hide the fear but he read right through me. "Do you remember last night?" He shook his head yes. I whispered near Corey as the guys continued to talk to themselves. "Does Colby remember this?" Right as I whispered, Corey turned around to hear someone walking down the stairs. "Maybe you should ask him." Corey and I turned to see Colby slouching down the stairs. He looked in terrible condition.

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