Darkest Before Dawn

Start from the beginning

Sakura: You shouldn't be so mean Sasuke, it's not nice to crush a girl's dream but knowing you, you wouldn't even understand a girl's heart let alone a woman's because I'll tell ya Sasuke...

/As Sakura got a kunais and threw them at Sasuke as Sasuke got a few of his own and threw them at Sakura to block hers but 1 kunai got pass the everything else and when close to Sasuke as Sasuke looks at it then in a flash Sakura appeared and quickly punch Sasuke's face so hard that it knocks him away as Sasuke falls off the statue then Sakura finish saying [here's music that I think will fit this beginning fight]/

Sakura: Hell doesn't know a woman's fiery!

/As Sasuke falls from the statue that Sakura knock Sasuke off from as Sasuke quickly recovered and quickly place his hand and legs on the walls of the statue that he was falling from and quickly stand on the walls of the statue and rush back up as Sakura ready herself by throwing more kunais everywhere she could think of then Sasuke quickly jump at Sakura but Sakura quickly moved out of the way as Sasuke landed on his feet as he looks at Sakura with a grin/

Sasuke: Not bad Sakura but I have to say that was a little weak.

/As Sakura looks at Sasuke even with a punch that Sakura delivered to his face as if Sasuke didn't express any kind of pain from his face and looks down on Sakura [here's a pic of it]/

/As Sakura looks at Sasuke even with a punch that Sakura delivered to his face as if Sasuke didn't express any kind of pain from his face and looks down on Sakura [here's a pic of it]/

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Sakura: Hump maybe I knocked the pain right out of ya, you seem to be bleeding a bit Sasuke.

Sasuke: Like that matters I can't feel a thing.

Sakura: Fine I'll just put a little bit more effort until...

/As Sakura quickly rush to Sasuke and then punch him harder then before as Sasuke felt the pain this time/

Sakura: You feel every pain imaginable!

/As Sakura when ahead and kept on punching as Sasuke now dodges while Sakura is keeping the pressure of trying to land a hit on him as Sasuke was about to counter attack but Sakura acted first and grab his arm that was going to block as she twist it and force Sasuke to knee on the ground as Sakura speaks while holding Sasuke in her tight grip/

Sakura: It doesn't matter how strong you are Sasuke, once you get cocky like you are now, you might as well say it's game over.

Sasuke: *Grin a bit* Oh please.

/As Sasuke use a bit more strength as Sakura tries to keep a grip on Sasuke but Sasuke breaks free as Sasuke was about to grab Sakura but Sakura quickly grab Sasuke's arm that was going to grab her and then she was going to deliver another punch to his face but Sasuke quickly grab the punch that Sakura was going to deliver as both Sasuke and Sakura are locked hands and pushing one another in the battle of strength then Sakura quickly knee kick Sasuke hard as this made Sasuke loose his grip as Sakura then quickly punch Sasuke's face quickly as she could as Sasuke looks at Sakura with a grin and then he quickly punch Sakura to her face as Sakura yelp and she was knock away a bit but still standing as Sakura felt the sting of the punch as she glares at Sasuke who's grinning/

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