Chp:-19 Drown Yourself

Start from the beginning

Aashi irritatedly asked, "what the hell are you doing here? Just go away from me. I don't want to see your face. Go back to your Shriya Desai whatever."

I smirked amusingly and said, "My Doll is jealous huh!"

She said, "you asshole it's not funny. You're such a jerk!"

I said, "Doll, everyone deserves a chance. You never gave me a chance to speak. Aashi accept it you messed everything. If you would've given me a chance to explain everything things would have been much better and different today babe."

She said, "why do you want to give me an explanation? Am I your girlfriend or wife? Anyways I just don't deserve love so if you're here to talk about love then just go drown yourself in the Potomac River."

You'll soon be my girlfriend and then my wife, Doll! She's looking so cute right now.

I said, "Stop talking Rubbish. Everyone deserves to love and to feel loved. Explanation here is necessary. I want to explain it's my wish. Do you have a problem?" She's so stubborn.

Aashi said, "it's my ears. I don't want to hear." God! It's difficult. Patience Soh.

I said, "Doll please listen. That night.... She cut me, "Get lost."

I lost it and yelled, "shut up for God's sake! I'm trying to be nice here and you're testing my patience. Please now just stay quiet and don't utter a word till I complete my explanation. You've to listen to me alright."

I recited the entire story in detail to her.

I completed, "so she was forcing herself on me. I don't like Shriya. Not even a bit. All my feelings for her were dead that day. There's one more thing I've to tell you. I haven't told you the entire truth. I saw my girlfriend completely naked and having sex crazily with another man who is also completely naked.
I knew it that Shriya is not in her senses. I felt like he was throwing himself on her and taking full advantage of her.
I went inside and literally covered Shriya with my shirt and blazer. I started hitting the drug dealer. He made my girlfriend a drug addict. I won't spare him. We started fighting. Shriya fell unconscious. It was due to excess drug consumption. Suddenly there was a gunshot. Blood splashed on my hands. I was completely speechless and shocked. I was taken aback. I was scared. I checked him he was dead. Who did this? I became very nervous. I turned behind. I saw a girl carrying Shriya. That was probably her sister. I saw a man standing with a gun. Oh! It was Sameer Singh Dobriyal, Shriya's cousin. Her family was always against our relationship. He quickly wiped the gun and threw it. I was too shocked to utter a single word. I was frozen. I couldn't move. Soon police came there. He smirked. He told the police that I murdered the drug dealer and I instructed him to rape Shriya. Why on earth will a boyfriend ask someone to rape his own girlfriend? I was shocked. I tried my best to defend myself and prove my innocence but they arrested me. I was put behind the bars. Next day fortunately dad, Arnab Chachu, Dev, Kobs, Aryan and Shiv came to my rescue. They helped me in proving my innocence and revealed the truth to the police and took me home. I was shattered, sad and heartbroken. I went home. I ran to my room. The moment I imagined that scene I felt uneasy. I just threw up. I was heartbroken. I was shattered as soon as Dev, Shiv and Aryan told me everything in detail. She was consuming drugs since 6 months and she has sex with the drug dealer almost every day. I fell sick for 4 days. I didn't meet her for a long time. Finally when she showed up I felt disgusted and very upset and I settled scores with her and I just dumped her. She was a bloody slut, witch and a whore. I moved on gradually. It took me a year but yes I moved on and became a stronger person. That is my sad story. The toughest phase of my life.

When things were fine this had to happen again. I shouldn't have gone to her. Believe me Aashi."

Aashi said, "I feel bad for you. I believe you. But I know you love someone. I've seen love in your eyes. Now you've explained everything know. Please go."

I held her by her waist tightly and said, "oh God! Damn it! How could I love such a stubborn girl like you Doll." I froze right there. Did I just say that I love her. Anyways, I had to say this some or the other day. She looked at me with a super shocked expression.

I cupped her cheeks and said, "yes Doll. I love you so much. I knew it that you're special. Since the first time I saw you I just knew it! I really love you Doll believe me I love you so much."

She said with tears in her eyes, "you're lying?"

I said, "no why would I lie about such a thing. I really love you Aashi Singhania."

She finally gave in and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. We pulled back after a few minutes.

Aashi said, "I love you too my Spoilt Boy." I chuckled.

Soon, I crashed my lips to hers. I kissed her hard. I put my tongue inside her mouth. She responded to my kiss. We were hungrily kissing each other. I kissed her eyes, nose, lips, cheeks, forehead, hands and lastly her neck. I planted one or two hickeys on her neck. Soon we pulled back and we were breathing heavily.

Aashi said, "take me with you Soham. I want to be with you. Make me yours. I want to feel loved. I want to love you. Take me baby."

I said, "you're mine in every way. Every single body part of yours belongs to me from today and mine belongs to you. I don't share what's mine better remember that Dolly Singhania. You are only mine. From this minute I'm your boyfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Aashi said, "yes. You are mine. I don't like to share either. Yes I'll be your girlfriend. I love you my Spoilt Boy."

I said, "you know what. It's really irritating when others call me by that name by when you say it, it sounds more sexy."  We both chuckled.

I said, "I love you Doll."

She said, "I love you my Spoilt Boy."

We saw outside. It was raining heavily. I texted Rohan and Kabir and asked them to inform Aashi's family members that we're both fine. She's also ok now. I also asked him to tell them that we love each other and we're dating each other from today itself. I'm taking her to our penthouse. I asked them to stay back at the Singhania mansion and not to come back to the penthouse for tonight.

I said, "it's raining heavily. Our penthouse is close from this place. We'll go there ok. Don't worry about your family. I've asked Dev and Kabir they to inform  them. Just relax!"

She said, "ok." She smiled. She's so cute.

We went downstairs. We both got inside our cars. We drove out. She followed me. Sometime later we reached The Raichand penthouse in DuPont circle."

THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE........................

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