If We All Had Nicknames

Start from the beginning

Jello_my_boys: Donut. Hardcase. Must be.

Bestcloneeva: Uh-huh.

Cricket_killer_cook: And light bulb? Tup. Not that far off from nightlight

Light_bulb: That's not why I picked that name! And I know you're Dogma!!!

Jello_my_boys: Sure, sure. You'll never guess who I am!

Manual_Master: Well there's only two of us left so I know you're-

Bestcloneeva: Echo! That's Echo! Manual Master, come on bro, that's obvious

Blue_warrior🧡🥰💙: So that means Jello_my_boys is-

Donut: Wahooo!!!!!! My name is donut!!!! Does that mean I can get free donuts????

Rubber_chicken_killer#1Jediakathechoosen1: What happened to him?

Queen_of_💫_Wars: Do we want to know?

Blue_warrior🧡🥰💙: No

Light_Bulb: So Jello_my_boys is Jesse, right?

Jello_my_boys: Yes!!!! I won! Hardcase, hand me the jar of peanut butter!!!!

Cricket_killer_cook: What

Jello_my_boys: It's my trophy!

Donut: Ahhh!!!! We should cover donuts in peanut butter

Blue_warrior🧡🥰💙: Who showed Hardcase where I stashed all of those pixie sticks?

Bestcloneeva: Well I'm the best clone ever so-

Manual_master: Fives. It, it was Fives

Bestcloneever: !!!!

Rubber_chicken_killer#1Jediakathechoosen1: Where'd you get the name at Jesse?

Jello_my_boys: I was looking at coupons for Jello on Ebay, so yeah. There was even a ten thousand pack for only $99

Blue_warrior🧡🥰💙: Just don't buy that much jello. The last thing I need is Hardcase high on that 🙄

Queen_of_💫_Wars: This was fun, lol, we should play again, but with less obvious names

I_love_rubberchickies: Like this?

Blue_warrior🧡🥰💙: I just fell off the couch laughing-

Queen_of_💫_Wars: Lololol yes!

Light_Bulb: Uhh, we have a situation in the kitchen!!!

Donut: Yeah!!!!!!!! Let's cover the ceiling with peanut butter!!! Then throw the toaster up it to make a hole to jump through!

Jello_my_boys: And then throw shoes on the ceiling to make it stick!!!

Bestcloneeva: Or jump up so out heads will stick on the wall!

Blue_warrior🧡🥰💙: That, is why clones aren't allowed to have candy.


This chapter felt sooo short compared to the usual 1000+ words chapter, but whateva

Meme of the week:

Lol. Been meaning to share this one for a while but forgot. I'm currently sitting in a weird position on one of those giant exersice balls because why the heck not?

The weather suddenly turned freezing cold here and I hate it. It's not that I get really bad seasonal affective disorder every year, but I get really bad seasonal affective disorder every year. :( Time to turn to some light therapy...hope it works. It better work...hehehe iM fInE

Have a super weekend. I'm gonna attempt to make a mini tiki hut. You got any plans?

Braidzella out-

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