Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 6

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Tsuki just kept coughing and grunting with each blow he landed, wanting so desperately to break out of the chains and fight back, but with her chakra being drained from her, she couldn't, she was too weak.

'Kashi, out of all the times you've been late, this is one time I wish you weren't.' Tsuki's resolve was starting to dwindle, this type of treatment made her think back to the days when she was in Orochimaru's captivity.

"I'll teach you to obey me. By the time I'm done with you, you're gonna do anything I tell you to, without hesitation." The man grabbed Tsuki's ass and roughly kissed her neck.

Tsuki felt like she could throw up, she was bruised, beaten, and so, so weak. She had no way of fighting back.

Her eyes started to close as the man unclipped her bra and let it fall to the floor.

Another man barged in,"Sir, we have an issue we need you to address."

The man growled and squeezed Tsuki's cheeks with one of his filthy hands and got in her face,"I'll be back for you..."

They walked out, slamming the door behind them.

Her world was turning black, as the chakra sucking chains were slowly putting her to sleep.

She didn't know how much time had gone by when she heard the door open once again.

"Tsuki!" Kakashi said in horror as he walked in on his chained up, beaten, bloodied, half naked comrade,"Fuck, am I too late?"

Her eyes lightly fluttered open at the sound of his voice, giving him a bit of hope.

Kakashi pulled out his short sword from the holder on his back and cut the chains on the ceiling, he caught Tsuki as she fell to ground, she couldn't even attempt to stand. He lowered her to the ground and undid the shackles on her wrists with a lockpick.

He examined her body and saw bruises everywhere, probably a couple broken ribs, and a mark on her neck that was unmistakably left by someone's mouth.

His heart hurt seeing her like this. Ever since Rin's death he had forced himself to become numb to the death and injuries of his comrades, but his worry for this girl was off the charts. It was almost unbearable. Then another emotion hit him. Anger

He. Fucking. Raged.

"Tsuki, tell me who did this to you." He said in a deep calm voice as he pulled out her ANBU uniform from his pack and began to dress her.

"K-kashi..." Tsuki said weakly as she stared at his masked face.

"Tsuki, I'm promise I'm gonna get you out of here but you need to tell me who did this to you." He said again. He was ready to kill whatever mother fucker put her in this battered state.

Tsuki was normally a strong Kunoichi who could defend herself, but she never would have thought this random sex trafficking ring leader would have chakra draining chains. She wasn't prepared for that scenario. This time, as much as she hated to admit it, she was a damsel in distress, needing her knight in shining armor to save her.

"Blonde hair...green eyes..." Tsuki choked out.

It was as if on cue, the door opened and the creepy man that assaulted Tsuki stepped in and made eye contact with Kakashi.

"A Sharingan?" The man became fearful," Wait, you're...

Kakashi saw red and didn't even give the man a chance to take a second step before he lit up his lightning blade and drove it through the man's heart. He acted as judge, jury, and executioner in this man's case. His crime? Hurting the woman Kakashi was falling in love with.

"..... cold-blooded Kakashi?" The man spat out with his dying breath.

He collapsed to the floor. Kakashi kicked his lifeless body in the head, just for good measure, before running back over to Tsuki and taking her into his arms.

"Kashi, the other girls..." She said with a cough

"I called other ANBU for backup, they're rescuing them right now. I'm more worried about you, Kuraku..." Kakashi brushed her bangs out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. He cupped her cheek in his hand.

"Did......" Kakashi was reluctant to ask what he wanted to ask,"Did he ra-"

"No." Tsuki cut him off,"He didn't."

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief,"Good." Even though he hated himself for not getting there sooner, he would have gone ballistic if that had happened.

"Don't worry Hatake, you weren't completely late." She let out a small laugh.

Kakashi just sighed and pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes while his brows scrunched together, thankful that she wasn't hurt too terribly.

He opened his eyes to see Tsuki staring at him, with a look of love and affection in her gaze. He felt like they were the only two people that existed in this world. Just her and him, and it felt so right.

Tsuki, even in her weakened state wanted nothing more than to tug down his mask and kiss him. It had been over a month since she felt his lips against hers, she longed for that feeling again.

Kakashi had an angel and devil fighting in his head, both trying to convince him of his true feelings for this gorgeous blue-eyed woman in his arms. His brain was screaming at him,'Come on Kakashi! Just say it. Just tell her how you feel! It's only three words! You can manage to spit out three simple words right?'

She slowly reached for his mask, she just wanted to kiss her husband, damnit. Even if he wasn't her husband in this era she had time- traveled to.

A part of Kakashi wanted to let her pull off his mask, and expose his forever-hidden face to her. But he panicked.

Kakashi suddenly became aware of what was happening. He jerked his head and grabbed her wrist to stop her, being careful not squeeze too tightly as she had been in shackles for a while,"Let's get you back to the Leaf. You need a doctor."

Tsuki pulled her hand back and wrapped her arms around Kakashi's neck, leaning her head to rest on his chest as he took her into his arms to carry her back to the Village.

Her scent was intoxicating to him. Actually, everything about her was intoxicating to him. He was smitten and he couldn't stop it from happening. Now all he had to decide to do was to deny his feelings for her or to go along with them.

It was one of the toughest decisions he'd ever make.

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat