Where the hell is she?


Brian’s voice registers through the muddle, and without a second thought, turns her body, cranks her arm back and lets the football fly just in time to be taken down hard to the ground, praying to Heaven above that John got there in time.

Her helmeted head bounces twice hard on the ground, shaking her up a bit. She lets out a low groan as her back pounds hard against the grass. She blinks up at her, seeing a dark figure crouching over her in the other team’s jersey.

“That’s one Hart.”

The gruff voice sounds vaguely familiar, and entirely threatening, but Hannah has no time to ask questions as the figure disappears as quickly as it had crashed into her.

Grabbing her midriff, she forces herself to sit up, registering the sounds of cheers through the haze of her tackle. John caught the ball.

Thank Mary, Joseph and Moses.

She blinks once, opening her eyes and spotting Greg a few feet away, having watched the whole exchange between her and the other team player. His gaze is still cold, but there is a hint of disappointment in his expression, as he shakes his head and jogs off to join the rest of the team in the End zone.

Confusion surrounds her as she coughs harshly, grabbing her helmet and tossing it on the ground, rubbing at the pounding on the side of her skull. She watches Greg jog off, bumping against the attacking team player’s shoulder as he passes, and the other boy not even registering the offense.

Hannah’s brows furrow as the celebration continues around her seat on the ground.

What the hell just happened?

Also, ow.


“I told you! You killed it out there babe!” Mamrie cheers Hannah as a greeting as she exits the locker room, the redhead pulling her into a bone-crushing embrace.

“Oh, Mames, I’m still all sweaty.” She mumbles through a chuckle against Mamrie’s shoulder. She winces as Mamrie squeezes tighter, “And in some serious pain.”

“Oh!” Mamrie releases her, keeping their hands clasped as she beams at the small brunette. “Sorry Nugget. What the hell was with that last tackle, by the way? That guy ran full force for you, and that was after the ball had left you hands.”

Hannah shakes her head, the confusion still swirling around in her mind. “I dunno Mames.”

“Okay, well, Ty and I are heading to the Shack to meet the rest of the crew, we’ll see you there?”

“Maybe. Hey, where the hell is Grace?” Hannah questions, looking around for the missing blonde.

A look comes across Mamrie’s face as she drops Hannah’s hands, eyes widening, before replacing it with a large and entirely fake grin. “Uhm, I dunno! Maybe she’s already there!” Hannah quirks her brow at Mamrie, at the way her voice climbs about three octaves.

“Mamrie Lillian. What did you do?” Hannah asks with an accusatory edge, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

“Nothing! See you in ten love!” She kisses Hannah quickly on the cheek, running off in the other direction before Hannah has a chance to utter another word.

Hannah stares off at her, the air of concern evolving around the events that have transpired in the last 30 minutes only heightened. Letting her eyes scan the rapidly emptying field and parking lot, she spots Grace’s old Jeep towards the front of the lot. Assuming that the blonde is still in the field house, Hannah turns to head in that direction, only proceeding a few feet before a tall figure steps out from the shadows.

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