Ben's Secret Birthday Party

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Ben:Kevin What are you doing here in the middle of night

Kevin:Nothing what about you?

Ben:None of your Bee's Wax

*kevin grabs Omniverse Omnitrix*

Ben:Hey Give that back!


*kevin runs to the house

Ben's Mom:Did you grab he's alien watch thing

Kevin:yes i did

Ben's Dad:good kevin

Gwen:Azmuth justed called me and he will be here in 10 mins

*10 mins later*

Azmuth:Im here i got the prototype for omnitrix 2

Gwen:ok good

*ben knock on door

Ben's Mom:IT'S BEN!

*everyone puts all the birthday stuff away*

Ben:hey guys whats going on


Ben:oh ok good night

*ben goes to sleep*

*the next day*


*makes breakfast*



Ben:thanks guys!

*ben blows out candles

Gwen:well your 18 now what are you going to do

Ben:i don't know

Azmuth:Ben i made a new omnitrix for you

Ben:oh so thats why kevin stole my omnitrix last night


*ben gets the Prototype 2*

Azmuth:now let me add the master control and- 


Ben:ALBEDO! you had to do this on my birthday

Albedo:this is my revenge!

Ben:i need everyones help to stop albedo

Gwen:im in

Kevin:me too

Ben's parents:good luck kids

Ben:were not kids anymore me & gwen are 18 and kevin is 19

Ben's Parents:whatever you say Ben!

Ben:ugh. Ok now it's hero time!

Theme song:it's started with alien device did what it did! Ben 10 has become a hero now! Ben 10 1! 2! 3! Ben 10! 4! 5! 6! Ben 10! 7 8 9! Ben 10 and now it's hero time! Ben 10:Infinite!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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