Chapter 3: Trapped inside

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"We have to leave here now!" I yell in dread. This is unbelievable! "We have to go now come on!" Inside the room, Blake was slumped over face palming the wall with his hand reaching for his keys and a large lengthy sword was through his throat. The sword held him in place from falling to the ground and blood was drooling from his throat and mouth.

We have to get the hell out of here and go get the police!

"S-shit, n-no no! Riley sobs while I wipe my tears away more rushing down.

Jeff goes for Blake's car keys and we hasten out of the room. We all ran down the grand entrance and towards the main door, I try the nob attempting to run outside and it didn't turn. It was locked.

"Oh fuck!" I yell trying to open it once again. My breathing growing ragged and my heart hammering.

"What is it? Open the door, Julia!" Sam yells.

My lips were trembling and my hands are twitching as I try opening the door. I try placing my foot on the wall and try pulling the door, "Fuck! We are trapped! The fucking door is secured!" I yell. "We are going to die!" I step back unable to think clearly or focus on anything.

"The fuck!" Jeff yells and tries the door and his eyes bulge.

"Do you have a key!" Beth yells in panic.

"Uh, no, yes, I think," he pats his jeans looking around. "No! The door locks with a remote-"

"What!" I yell, "Where is it!" He looks behind him then around the house dread.

" uh, it was right there I swear!" He points at the empty side table, that only has a lamp.

"But it's no longer there dummy so where did you put it!" Liam yells his face beet red in rage.

"I-I don't, don't know! I left it there-"

"Guys we don't have much time here there is a killer inside the house let's check the windows!" Riley yells then run towards the first window next to the door and tries opening it while I go over towards the next one on the other side. I go and try opening it but it wouldn't, my hand brushes something firm on it and I look to see a small device with a little red light. I turn towards the group, "Jeff?" I say my voice sounding as if something is really wrong which it was.

He starts his way towards me, "What is it?" I point at the device with the red light blinking. "Shit!"

"What is it?" I ask, apprehensively.

"The same remote I talked about controlled the windows too and without that remote, we are all doomed," everyone is now looking over at us appalled and fearful.

"Why would it be locked in the first place!" Liam yells.

"M-my, my grandparents were very protective-"

"I don't give a damn, let's try breaking the glass!" Jeremy yells and I nod grabbing a lamp from the table and toss the shade from it flipping it over before I aim for the window glass then bash it against the glass and it didn't shatter as I expected it to. I try once again and it didn't break. Liam grabs it from me and whacks it against the window and it still didn't break.

"Fuck! Is there another way out of here because this ain't gonna work. Why the fuck is it so strong?!"

"They are bullet prove glass," Jeff mutters, "We have to find another way out of here!" Jeff says walking towards the hallway.

"Your grandparents prepared for everything except an emergency way out," Jeremy mutters. A loud bang happens somewhere inside the house frightening everyone, we all start to look around timidly my chest growing so tight it becomes hard to breathe.

"We have to move!" Liam yells and we start to move at a faster speed. Jeff goes inside another hallway and I get curious but is too breathless to ask. "Baby are you okay?" Liam asks, stopping me and turning me towards him. "Breathe okay, just breathe baby," I follow what he said and breathed looking at him. My breathing starts to get even when we hear another loud bang.

"Come on we have to move!" Skylar yells.

"Where are we going?" Liam yells while we start walking again.

"The basement, there must be another way out of here! I am not dying tonight!" He opens a door following by stairs going inside the basement.

"Why do you know this place so well, Jeff?" Riley asks.

"I use to come here when I was a kid," he turns his phone's flashlight on then he attempts to go inside when I stop him.

"Is it safe to go inside?" I ask and everyone is looking at me including him.

"We don't have a choice Julia we have to get out of this place before we all get killed," he turns and walks down the first step and I turn to look at Liam, and he nods and so did everyone else.

"It's going to be alright Julia," Skylar tells me with tears burgeoning in her eyes. "E-even though we already lost two of our friends. I know that Monica can be a bitch but she was still a friend," she half chuckles and half cry and I do the same.

"Come on guys!" Jeff yells and then we realize that it is the three of us here. Liam holds my hand tight and we start our way down there and a very obnoxious smell takes over my nose.

"What is that smell?" I ask covering my nose the smell is so bad I can hear flies all over the place.

"Something died down here!" Jeff yells. My phone vibrates alerting me that it is going to die. Not now phone down here is dark. Before I could turn the brightness down my phone went out so I have to share the light with Liam.

"Where are we going?" Sam asks.

"To find the basement door- found it," He starts to sneeze. "A-and it's really dusty here."

I get there and Liam and I start to sneeze. "G-get it o-open-open!" I try saying but sneeze.

"I am trying to," I hear shackling where Jeff is. "It's not opening- huh! grrrr!"

"Try harder!" Riley yells.

"Grrr ah, grrr!" I hear something bolt open and I sigh in relief when it did. I look over at him and he opens the door but only to find a brick wall built before it.

It feels like all my hope and dreams crashed.

"Aaaaagh!" He screams in exasperation punching the wall making me flinch. What are we going to do now! The hairs on my body stands-up.

We hear another bang but much closer to where we are. Startle I get my hands flails in the air before grabbing on to Liam.

"Is everyone close?" Jeff asks, looking around at us his eyes looking for everyone. "Where is Riley?" My eyes widen and start scanning the room then it spots him.

"There he is," I point at the other side of the room and he is looking for something, "What are you doing?" I ask.

"It's better if we battle our way out of here than get murdered, I don't know about you guys but I am not dying tonight," he grabs an iron and starts brandishing it. "This is good for that psycho who is killing us-" at that exact moment the wall behind him split open and a dagger comes through going into his arm. "Aaaaagh, fuck!"

"Riley!" We rush over towards him in horror. I clutch his hand while the others clutch his other hand and pull him at the same time hands in globs come pushing through the wall. I scream in terror and we all grasp Riley and start running towards the basement stairs screaming in terror. We are sprinting so fast we didn't realize that two figures were before us and we crashed into them.


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