Chapter 24 : promise me

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It's been a few weeks since the dinner .
It was after spring break and You and shoto were talking on your way back to school

Shoto: y/n ... do you like bakugou

Shoto: well you two have gotten close and when we were at dinner you sat next him .

Y/n: it's called being friends dumbass

Shoto: I didn't know friends blush at each other .


Shoto: well bakugou was . He hasn't called you a nickname like the others in our class .

Y/n: umm well who wouldn't it's me after all

Shoto: of course you're like this

Y/n: what!!

Shoto: kidding sis I was joking .

Y/n: yeah right

You begin to think That you and bakugou have been close and he does some what treat you well than the others

You enter into the dorms . Everyone was putting their stuff back in their rooms . You go over to bakugou rooms

Bakugou: what are you doing here

Y/n: ohh nothingggg just wanted to talk to someone I'm already done with my room

Bakugou: I see . How was your break

Y/n: it's was okay . I just trained that's all

Bakugou: hm that's nice

Y/n: what about you

Bakugou: I didn't do anything important.

You notice bakugou blushing

Y/n: bakugou? Are you blushing

Bakugou eyes lit up


y/n: awww how sweet haha you know Shoto was talking about That when we're walking here

Bakugou: huh That damn icy hot said something

Y/n: yeah. Anyways if you wanna go in a date just ask me I wouldn't mind

Bakugou: ah-
.... okay would you like go in a date

Y/n: not like That and plus where will we be going

Bakugou: we can go to the beach I do like late night swimming

Y/n: sure !! We can go in few hours

Few hours later you get dressed and put on a two piece (or any swim suit you like )

You wear an oversized hoodie and grab phone . You make your way to bakugous room . You two go to the beach .

The sun is setting and you two decide to sit in this Clift . This beach was kinda abandon .

You and bakugou lay down on a blanket you guys shared . You begin talking . You two were really clicking together

Bakugou stands up
" wanna get in water "


You take off your hoodie and it reveals your body .

Bakugou blushes and turns away

Y/n: what's wrong

Bakugou: nothing

Y/n: I know my hero costume isn't like momo but still I thought you would get used to my body .

Bak: whatever let's go in

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