"That isn't very nice. He can't help it if his family is poorer than yours."

"No, he can't but he can help himself regarding his arrogance. I'm not his friend so stop telling people we are. I'm not going to live with you so stop telling people we are. You should just forget my name."

"You are. The Headmaster even told us so." Granger smugly informed the compartment.

Harry let out a light laugh. "We'll see."

"Now get out." Draco had his bookends make sure they left.

"Your parents are picking you up?" Harry watched the duo talking down away from their door.

"Yes. I will have Father summon Aurors if his parents try anything."

"Good." Harry was thankful he kept a copy of his paperwork on him. He knew Dumbledore was going to try something stupid.


"Harry, an incoming family of redheads." Blaise had been looking for his mother. They had been delayed in getting off of the train by a group of third years yelling about a prank.

"I'll go and tell my Father." Draco left immediately to find his parents.

Harry looked around for his family and saw them making their way to him. He saw Ian Potter * leading the way with his great Aunt Claira Melrose and his fourth cousin Simon. "This is going to be so fun."

"It will be. He has been so annoying." Blaise and most of the school had listened to Weasley go on about how Harry was going to be living with him.

"Harry, my dear, lovely to see you again. Now, do come along." A red-haired woman of about her mid-fifties pulled Harry by the arm.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't even know you." Harry recognized her as the woman who mentioned platform 9 3/4. He never actually met her. He wondered why any mother would think any child would go with a stranger.

"I don't have time for this dear. We have to get going." Molly went to grab Harry's arm but Harry stepped away.

"Where do you think you are taking my great-nephew?" Ian Potter appeared next to Harry. They had been aware of this type of issue might occur.

"I'm Molly Weasley and I'm taking him back to my home. We are going to adopt him." Molly sent a smile to Harry. "My daughter and my other sons are eager to see you."

"We haven't agreed to that. I know Harry hasn't." Ian glanced at an annoyed Harry. Ironclaw had sent a letter to Ian regarding Harry's status and Dumbledore's attempts to get him adopted by the Weasley family.

"I haven't. I told her son I wasn't going with them on the train. I even showed Dumbledore that he isn't my magical guardian." Harry pulled out his papers. He wished Dumbledore would stop with the stupid games.

Kingsley groaned as he arrived on the platform in answer to a call by Lucius Malfoy. He arrived in time to hear Molly Weasley declare that Harry was to be adopted by her family. "Mrs. Weasley, please come with me."

"Kings? What are you doing here?" Molly Weasley's loud voice carried. She looked beyond Shacklebolt and saw Lucius Malfoy standing there watching.

"Mr. Potter, perhaps you should leave with your relatives." Auror Shacklebolt wanted to keep the peace.

"I'm Ian Potter and I want to know what is going on." Ian had read the letters from Harry about his issues Dumbledore had been given Harry but he didn't think the man was an idiot. He was now revamping his belief.

"She tried to kidnap me." Harry helpfully suggested. "Her son has been bragging about them taking me to his house and forcing me to be adopted."

"You are being adopted. Albus has made the arrangements." Molly began to dig into her pockets. "See, I have the letter right here."

Harry pulled out his paperwork. "I have the paperwork showing that Albus Dumbledore isn't my magical guardian and Ian Potter, Media Melrose, and her husband Roland, are my guardians."

"Indeed. I'm Claira Melrose and this is my great-nephew Simon. My daughter and her husband are expecting us for dinner. The paperwork has been on file since before Harry started at Hogwarts." Claira was almost ninety years old with white hair. She was tall, lean, and dressed in the most fashionable of robes.

"No, we are adopting him." Molly almost screamed. "This is beyond ridiculous. Albus and I have agreed that Harry belongs with us. He needs to get away from those dark wizards in Slytherin. He will be adopted, resorted into Gryffindor, and he will start to honor his parents."

"Molly, it's true. Now, please come with me." Shacklebolt tried to escort Molly away but she started to struggle.

"He doesn't belong with Death Eaters and their ilk. We don't know what this family will do to him. It's bad enough he is in Slytherin. His parents would be so ashamed. Associating with Death Eaters. Harry needs to learn what it means to be a respectful wizard, not live with some pureblood dark wizards that believe what Death Eaters like Malfoy promote."

"Auror Shacklebolt, please either escort her away or I will summon someone who will arrest her. If she says one more inflammatory word I will press charges." Lucius could see everyone was paying attention to what was happening on the platform. The gossip mill was going to be overflowing.

"You mean bribe someone to have my mother arrested. Harry is a Gryffindor and belongs to us. Not some slimy snakes." Ron's temper selected the wrong moment to roar to life. "He is my best friend. We will get rid of all the dark evil snakes that are in Slytherin."

"Yes, exactly. Harry Potter being in Slytherin is shameful. No one respectable ever came out of Slytherin. The House of You-Know-Who is what it should be named." Molly pulled away from Shacklebolt. "Your parents would be rolling over in their graves at how disrespectful you have been to your elders. Albus Dumbledore only wants the very best for you and you are instead going with people who we don't know a thing about. How do we know they won't corrupt you even worse?"

"What world is she living in? Honestly, I've been on my own for six years. Do you think I'm going to take your word for anything? Your youngest son is a moron. I see he gets his delusional views from you. I have legal guardians and they aren't you. Now goodbye."

"Molly, I don't want to arrest you. You need to come with me, quietly." Shacklebolt stood between Molly and Harry.

Harry grinned. Who knew Aurors had so many interesting toys. "Fine. I will discuss this with Albus. When we get Harry to our home I will make sure he knows how to respect his elders."

"She needs Thorazine in her drinking water or maybe Haldol. I'm sure a mind healer would suggest something to balance out her mood swings too." Harry looked at his family. "I'm ready when you are."

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