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Draco Malfoy sat with a firewhiskey in his hand as he gazed out his office. The very office that he'd kissed Eclaire—

God fucking damn it, how does she appear in my thoughts while I'm trying not to think of her?! He thought angrily as he drank the remainder of the intoxicating liquid in one gulp.

Was she home by now? He thought.

It had been an hour since he'd left her at the muggle store. Well, technically he'd followed her to make sure she entered her home safely and left only after securing her place with enchantments but she didn't need to know that.

Was it wrong of him to want her? To want her to be his? The silver haired wizard thought bitterly. He knew he'd never wanted anyone as much he did her. He'd never longed for anyone the way he did for her and it wasn't just desire he felt for her, no, he craved her entire being, her very presence.

He'd never wanted to belong to anyone before he'd met her.

He was enamored by her very existence, her laughter, her voice, her touch, her heart—he wanted it all. Especially her heart.

But do you deserve it? He found his conscience asking and he paused.

Did he? God knew he didnt. Then who was he to get mad at her for not wanting him as he did her?

Eclaire had been nothing but kind to him even when he'd been a complete arse to her. She'd never taken his vile words to heart, she'd befriended him, she'd defended him. She did not see him as a monster that society believed him to be. She'd believed him worthy of redemption. And that was a whole lot more than anyone had ever done for him. Did it matter if she didn't love him? As long as she would be with him, it didn't matter. He would love her enough for the both of them, and some more.

But would she still have you? His conscience voiced out his deepest fear.

She will. She has to. He whispered back, his voice hoarse.

And if she doesn't? His conscience argued back. You've given her enough reason not to.

Draco did not want to answer that question, he did not even want to consider it. For, he didn't know what he'd do without her. He would beg, he would grovel, he would do anything she asked of him to make her stay. Because she has to stay. Giving her up was like giving a starving man a morsel of food and then snatching it right out of his hands—the thought of it was just cruel.

So what was he doing here sulking for? Draco clenched his fist as he stood up.

The very fact that Eclaire was willingly sharing a part of herself with him was enough, it was more than what he deserved. Who was he to demand more?

His resolve hardened as he strode out his office door. Beggars can't be choosers. I'll have whatever that she gives me and take it gratefully. It was better than not having her at all. He shivered at the thought.

Just as the silver haired wizard reached out to touch the handle of the main door of the Malfoy Manor, it slammed open.

Eclaire Adams stood in all her angry glory in front of the gates of the Malfoy Manor, drenched from the top of her hair to the tip of her toes as the thunderstorm raged behind her.

"Eclaire?" She heard the silver haired wizard whisper in disbelief as she stared up at him. "What are you doing here?! And you're drenched! Do you not give a damn about your life woman—"

"You left." She stated simply.

Draco halted, at a loss for words. "Come in, first." He said moving out of the way. Eclaire stepped in slowly as the silver haired wizard closed the door behind him. "Eclaire—"

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