Chapter IV

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"Paolo!" I shouted as a ran over to him. His family were inside packing things up. He picked me up and swung me around as we looked at each other lovingly. He looked distressed. "I'm sorry, Padmé." I played with his soft, curly brown hair. "Why? What's wrong?" "I-I'm moving to Moenia, away from the capital. To become an artist. I don't want to be a politician." He gave me a hug. "I love you." "I love you too Padmé."  A tear fell and created a path down my cheek. "Hey hey hey it's alright. Don't cry. I will return. I promise you." He pressed my head against his chest because he was so much taller than me. Then he opened my palm and placed a gold ring that had I love you  engraved in aurebesh on the inside of it. He had the exact same one on his index finger. "I'm gonna miss you." He took the ring and placed it on my finger. "I'm gonna miss you too Paolo." His parents grabbed their stuff and handed it to him. "We are leaving now Paolo." "Ok thanks mom." I cried even more. "Don't forget me Paolo." "I won't Padmé. I will come back for you. I promise." They loaded stuff into their speeder and turned the engine on. Paolo jumped out of his seat and  kissed me. He got back into the car and waved so I waved back, crying my eyes out. I just stood there, looking at his house.

"Padmé I wanna show you something cool." "What?" He showed me his parents wedding photos. "That's gonna be us one day. I just know it. The moment you turn 18, I'm gonna propose to you." I laughed. He's so sweet. Then he brought me into a field where we watched the birds sing and the clouds change shape. We ran down the hills. "Oh crap it's raining." It's started to thunder and lightning struck the trees until they all fell over. "I'm s-so cold Paolo." "Here take this." He took his jacket and placed it over my shoulders. "I think we should go now." We ran back up the hill to my house where we just sat on my bed, talking about our future.
Little did I know, that was all going to end.

The Decoys: PadméOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora