"Okay, what kind of complications?" he asked, his voice waiving slightly.

"We have been taking a lot of tests everyday since Y/n was checked into the hospital.  After early pregnancy tests began coming back positive she has had a few issues in her blood work.  So far it is very minor, but as the pregnancy continues she could be more at risk for health problems.  So, we are going to be monitoring her a bit closer than we might someone else.  Hopefully these results will rebalance naturally, but it is just something to keep in mind." she smiled reassuringly, but I could tell that Sebastian didn't like hearing that.

"I know that this is kind of a crazy moment, but you do have to catch your flight in an hour. We can talk more as I walk you to the door." I suggested, turning his attention back to me.

"I don't know, I think I should cancel it." he said looking at me seriously. "I should stay another day or two, and make sure that you are settled."

"No, I'm going to be fine!" I smiled. "You don't want to get behind filming, and people are relying on you. You will only be one call away if I need anything!" I looked at his hesitant face and stood up. "Come on, let's go." I pulled his arm until he reluctantly stood up.

"I'm still not sure," he started, but I had already turned to thank Dr. Jill.

"Of course, you're welcome!" she said shaking each of our hands. "And now that this is official you are going to be seeing a lot more of me Y/n!" She waived as we walked out into the hall. 

The second the door shut I grabbed Sebastian, burying my face in his chest, and wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. I thought he would start protesting again, but he just held my head as I began to cry again. They weren't sad tears and they weren't happy tears, but he seemed to understand.

"You're sweet." he said softly. He tilted my face up gently and wiped my fresh tears away.  "Are you sure that you want me to go?" he asked as we started to walk down the hall.

"Yes.  You have important responsibility's, and besides all I'm going to do is sit here like I have been for the next three weeks.  Go finish your movie Mr. Hollywood!" I shoved his arm lightly with a grin.

"Okay, well if you are sure." he said hesitantly.

"I'm sure, but are you still sure that you want to fly back for the afternoon when I'm released from the hospital?  I can take a cab and get myself to the airport on my own you know."

"Yeah, I do. The last scenes for the movie are only an hour flight away so I'll help you get your stuff together and put you on a flight back home.  I will feel better knowing that you are safely on your way back to your parents." he said opening a door for me.

"As long as it won't interfere with your schedule, I would probably like that too.  Trying to cram my stuff into a taxi by myself sounds stressful.  Ah, I can't wait to get home, and just relax for a while.  Sleep in my own bed, and eat in my own kitchen again!" I sighed loudly.

"Trust me, after a long time away, nothing feels better than home." he laughed.  "I'll be excited to get back to L.A. too.  Speaking of L.A., you still want to visit after you have been home for a while don't you?" he asked hopefully.

"I think that I can make a free trip to sunny California fit into my schedule!" I laughed as we got to the hospital entrance.  It was still dark out, but the streets were already getting busy.

"I'll be looking forward to it!" he smiled reaching in for a last hug.  I hugged him tightly knowing that I wasn't going to be seeing anyone I knew for a while. 

We pulled away, and stood in silence for a few moments. Then he awkwardly turned slowly to leave.

"Don't watch too many chick-flicks." he warned.  "You'll start seeing Drew Barrymore in your sleep.  Not that that's a bad thing, I mean it's happened to me, and it was an overall good experience." he said walking farther away, continuing to ramble.

"Goodbye Sebastian." I said as the motion activated doors opened.

"Goodbye Y/n." he said turning to look at me once more.  "Oh, and don't let Patty watch any of my more... mature movies." he yelled now from from outside.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Okay." he repeated from even further away.

"Bye." I yelled laughing at his conversational persistence.

"Bye." he yelled back even louder.

At that point I just had to turn around and go. I didn't look back, but I felt him watching me go back up the stairs, until I was away from the windows.

I went up to my room, and straight back to bed even though it was still the morning.  Today's events were going to need a nap to be processed.  Patty would be in with breakfast in an hour, and hopefully I would have rationalized some of it by then. 

"I am going to be a mom." I said out loud into the darkness.  "I'm going to be a mom, and he is going to be the dad..." I sighed with exasperation into my pillow .

"This is fantastic." I said pulling my blanket up over my head.

"Simply fantastic..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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