Chapter 12: The Message

Magsimula sa umpisa

I get out of the bathroom and go straight to the car, when I get there Matthew starts beating me until blood is everywhere...

Heyy!!! whats going on in there??? Im calling the police!!!

I see Matthew get out of the car with a gun and points it at the gas station man

Matthew nooo!!!! Dont do it!!! Lets jut get out of here!!!

Matthew beats the man up until he passes out and we leave

I start thinking to myself "I dont think I can take this much longer. I hope somebody will find me before something bad happens to me

We finally arrive to California...

I see that we're at a little house in the woods. Where no one can find us. Matthew says that he'll kill anyone who gets close to me.

I only have a couple more months until I have my babies and im scared, I dont know what to do. I just hope the gas station man is okay and I hope someone has read my message and called Anthony.

But the truth is I dont know if Anthony is okay or not. The last time that I seen him he was beaten up really bad. Im just gonna pray every night that everything will be okay and that nothing bad will happen. I just dont know if I have the strength to do anything anymore. But then I think about my favorite bible verse which says in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through christ who strengthens me" I then say to myself to never give up and use all of the strength in my body to protect myself and my kids from anything that will harm us.

Backat the gas station...

Customer: Oh my gosh sir are you okay??? Please answer me sir are you okay??? Who did this to you???

Gas station man: Go to the womans bathroom... And read the door...

Customer: Im calling 911!!!

The Gas Station man convinces the lady to see what Lucy had wrote. So she goes to the bathroom while 911 is on their way and reads the door

" Help me!!! My name is Lucy and im 3 months pregnant with twins... I have been kidnapped by a man named Matthew who is taking me to California so that no one will find me I need someone to call this number and tell Anthony what this message says (123) (456) (7890)... Please help me I need help before something bad happens to me or my babies" -Sincerly Lucy

The lady immediately call the number...

Phone rings ***


Hello is this Anthony???

Yes this is. Who am I speaking to??

My name is Emily and I came to a gas station on the highway and someone named Lucy had wrote something on a bathroom door and told the person to whoever read this to call and tell a man named Anthony that Matthew is taking her to California where no one will find her and she is 3 months pregnant with twins. She needs help!

Oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much for this information... Can you text me the directions of where the gas station is at. I need to go over there now. I have to find Lucy.

Sure I'll text you the directions right now.

Thank You miss and god bless you

Your welcome

Take care


Anthony hangs up the phone and gets the text message of where the gas station is at and he goes there immediately

1 hour later...

Anthony arrives at the gas station and reads what Lucy had wrote " I know thats Lucy that is her handwriting and im going to go look for her"

Matthew starts the search and goes to every where in California to try and find Lucy. But he couldnt find her... He then says to himself i've only been looking in the city, and I should really go someplace to see where people had bought houses recently, maybe I can get somewhere by doing that.

I go to a place where people sell houses in the woods and stuff because the woods is the only places that I havent checked and those places are really hard to find.

I ask the man if anyone has bought a house recently in the California area

And he shows me a list of all of the houses that has been sold in the last week and there was 3 houses sold this week.

So I got the addresses of the homes and decide to find a hotel to sleep at and start the search again tomorrow.

The next morning...

I wake up to start the search again and I stopped at a place to get breakfast. And you wouldnt believe who I saw walking by the place that I am eating at.

Hi readers, I hope your enjoying the story so far, dont forget to recommend this story to other readers... Also stay tuned to find out who Anthony sees walking by the place that he is eating at , Have a Great Day Readers :) :) :)

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