Its not over

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Sakusa p.o.v

I woke up feeling sore all over my body. I didn't know where I was but I know it wasn't somewhere I'm familiar with. Then I remembered y/n.

I shot up in bed regretting it because I felt so much pain in my abdomen and shoulder but right now I didn't care. I just needed to find y/n. I was about to stand up.

"Woah you should not be up and moving so much." I looked and saw Yaku "where is-" "she is sleeping currently. No one is allowed to see her." "How bad is it?" Yaku just sighed "Pretty bad but she'll live. We just have to wait for her to wake up. There is a chance she might not be able to speak." I gave a confused look and the male picked up on it.

"During the fight someone must've tried to choke her because her vocal cords were damaged badly. She should be able to do everything fine but talking may be a pain for her." I just nodded my head towards the male and sighed. At least she is safe.

I know I shouldn't go against what Yaku said after all I'm in the same practice as him but I need to see her with my own eyes before she leaves.

I don't wanna lose her again.

Time skip a year

"If you don't put that down right now you're dead." I was glaring at the person who stood in front of me. She had a smirk on her face. She put the item down and started moving her hands, signing to me. "Why are you getting so mad for? It's just a box." I just sighed and walked over to the female. I towered over her seeing as she was shorter then me by a lot. I grabbed her hand and took the box from her.

"It's not just a box stupid. Go get dressed you have a job to do." She tilted her head confused "I told you last night." She just shrugged and left to change. I made sure she knew where to go and that she knew what was going on. "Please be careful and don't do anything stupid." "Me do something stupid? NEVER." I just scoffed and kissed her forehead knowing that makes her flustered.

Later that night

Third person p.o.v

Sakusa was sitting in his office doing some work. The male didn't associate with any mafias but he did do underground business so he had to make sure he had good connections with people. He was looking over some papers inarizaki gave him. It was files on poisons and gases. It was quite until he heard a loud clatter of sounds. He shot up and grabbed his gun.

He went towards the sound only to find you covered in blood and dirt. "What the hell happened?!" You flinched at the voice and sheepishly signed "so it was a trap. And I may or may not be bleeding from my thigh." Sakusa sighed he walked towards his desk and put his mask and gloves on. "We are going to clean you up before I treat you for anything ok dumbass." You just pouted at the cruel words but agreed nevertheless.

After 20 minutes of Sakusa sewing the gash close and you squirming around because of the pain he finally got it done. "God I told you to be careful not be stupid." You glared at the male. "I'm sorry that it was a trap." Sakusa stared at you wide eyed. You looked at him confused "why are you looking at me like that?" He pulled you into a hug "you're talking dip shit." Your eyes widened "WAIT I AM!? Holy fuck!" Sakusa pulled away to see you crying. He whipped the tears away and cupped your face.

"I love you"

The male chuckled a little

"I love you as well"

Sakusa pulled his mask down and then pulled you into a kiss. You were smiling like crazy even threw the kiss. You both knew there was a possibility of you speaking again but you threw that thought aside in order to not get your hopes up. Sakusa didn't want to give up hope on hearing your voice. He missed it dearly. He missed hearing you ramble about the dumbest things that excited you or how your day went. It was just the little things. He never would've thought you would've came back with him instead of staying with Nekoma.

"God you don't know how long I wanted to say that's." Sakusa stared at the female "what do you mean you say it all the time?" You just smiled and nodded. You grabbed the males face and brought him closer so your foreheads were touching. He cringed a little at being touched but then melted in your touch. "I signed it I never said it." The male just looked at you with a fond smile on his face.

Eventually the two of you ended up laying down on a couch Sakusa had in his apartment that was above where his office was. "Hey can you tell me what was in the box earlier?" The male looked towards you and then started playing with your hair. "Don't worry about it." You just pouted "pleaseeeeeeeee." "No" "pretty please?" "No" "pretty please with-" Sakusa got tired of you nagging him so he just pushed your face into his chest in attempt to make you quite "shut up" you could tell the male was getting annoyed but that didn't stop you. You're a curios one after all. 

You waited for Sakusa to be asleep and then went to look for the box. It took you about 30 minutes to find it and when you did it took forever to get down since it was on a super high shelf but eventually you got it. Once you sat down and opened the box you heard a noise from behind you. "You know for an assassin you're not that quite when you get to curious." You tensed at hearing the males voice. It was deeper since he just woke up.

"Hey I just wanted to know and you wouldn't tell me. Not my fault I thought making noise wouldn't be that much of a problem after all you sleep like a deadman." The male glared at you and then grabbed the box. "Hey!" "Shut up." He walked behind you and told you to hold you to close your eyes. You were skeptical but did so anyways.

Sakusa opened the box and pulled out a silver chain with a beautiful silver engraved ring as the charm. You were told to open your eyes and you grabbed the necklace and gasped. "Kiyoomi did you-" "I know you didn't really like jewelry growing up and I know you didn't like wearing rings. Since you always complained about the ring Kuroo gave you. So I thought putting it on a chain would be nice plus it isn't too flashy. Of course if you actually want a better one-" you tackled the male in a hug "You stupid germaphobe"

Sakusa smiled and hugged you back. Putting his head in the crook of your neck. He knew that you insulting him was a way for you to show affection. He saw the gleam in your eyes from tears. He didn't want to make it to big of a proposal since he didn't want any attention drawn to you to or any targets on your back but he did want to make it a little special but he knew you were gonna look for it once you found it.

"I love you Omi"

"I love you too y/n"

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