CHAPTER 1 - Happiness

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Yo! The name's Kiah bro, they call me "The Manager"...just kidding just call me kiah. If your'e thinking why I'm calling myself 'The Manager' Well...I am the manager of the group here in our class called "Critical 5",the group is not famous though, we are not a band or anything, We're just a group of friends who are always together for better or for worse. One more thing.. I'm a girl, some say I'm one of the boys. I admit I am kind of a boyish.. and if youre thinking why I am in a group of boys? Because boys can do anything and everything they want,full of adventures and enjoyment.. Okay, let's start my day.

When i arrive at school, I saw John Mark aka. Nognog "The Ultimate Kick Ass Bad Boy" of the group. He always starts a fight and makes fun in our

classmates and in our group, just like a badass. John Mark's seatmate is Louie aka "The Dancer" he was once had a dance troupe outside the school but he stopped because of his dad. He really likes dancing. Next to Louie is Alex aka "The Shy Boy" he is crazy and idiot just like us but his weaknesses are girls who likes him and confesses to him, yeah'.. such a chick~ I sit at the back row of the group, and started to do my assignments and other unfinished outputs.. (just for u to know: I'm running for TOP 10 and this 4th grading I'm in TOP 5 ^.~ ). Just like what i expected, they don't know that we have assignments and outputs to do. They ask what am i doing and when they realize what I'm doing, theyre panicking like idiots.*sigh* but as you can see, they're maybe an idiot but these idiots are hardworking idiots because they had a dream. (Yeah,Idiots that had a dream). They're the ones who said that... Well, all of us have a dream, haven't we? So, there are no reasons that I won't believe them. After those 3 boys bought some colored paper for our outputs, Mr Rechie arrive. We greeted him and sit.

"Okay,class.. You only have 1 week left and you all are going to graduate from Junior High~"

Yeah yeah... Well, my group and I are not really excited for that, we could see each other next year and even summer.. So, no need for crying moments and excitement-then i hear someone starting to cry in my group.. It's alex, yup! he is very emotional. I sigh, Louie and John mark started to tease him. He's such a Crybaby. Then, someone arrived at the backdoor.

"Hey! You two!, you're late again" Mr. Rechie said to the 2 students who just arrived.

The 2 students are in my group; Emiel & Sedrick. Emiel aka Bisaya (In Philippines: Bisaya means a Person from province or the province language) "The Funny Bisaya" Our classmates always find him funny because of his Wrong Grammar when he speaks in English and his accent just like a Bisaya (but he's not really a Bisaya ^,-). But the good thing is he's also hardworking,smart and a pervert...uhh that's not a good

thing isnt it?...

Sedrick aka Sed, "The Unknown"

I don't really know what to call him for his screenname or something. I just can't describe him. He's the most Idiot in our group, ok? He's always following Emiel and hoping emiel will always help him do his outputs and other responsibilities in school. It's like he can't live without Emiel. I'm not angry,okay? I'm just irritated to Sedrick because he just can't do his Obligation in school without Emiel's help,other classmates or even my help..Well, I can't blame him..he's just a boy who's always infront of a computer playing LOL- League of Legends, but the truth is i CAN blame him XD.

Okay, I'll say some good personalities of Sedrick; He's funny, always make my day fun and he's 1% smart..the remaining 99% of his brain are all idiot's brain. :P I'm just being honest., hehe.. but comparing to others, he is really a great friend.

As Sedrick and Emeil take their seats, sedrick showed me his outputs all finished. He's smirking like he did all the outputs by himself.

"Heh' really? Well that's a Miracle~... LIKE I WOULD BELIEVE YOU?!" i said to sedrick with an irritated face, tsk! He's such a liar~

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