"What was that?"

"Some new tech the hero scientists made. Anyways, I'm taking you to the station. Come with me." She said, grabbing my hand. Now I'd have to wait at the station, and Mom would question my whereabouts. I just wanted some food.....

Storm started flying in the air, above the skyscrapers. I enjoyed the scenery, but the thing is....

I'm currently squeezed between some "generous assets" and Storm's arm. You can guess what I'm talking about.

"Heh, you must be feeling so lucky to be flying with me." Storm says, boosting her ego.


"No response, eh?" Storm then proceeded to squeeze tighter, making me touch her "generous assets" a lot more than I'd like to.

"That's weird....no blush, no nothing. Are you sure you're human?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm very sure." 

"Hey! Don't call me ma'am, I'm only 22! Didn't your mother ever teach you that women don't like to talk about their ages?"

"Yes, yes she did. I never mentioned your age though," I stated. Storm got even angrier, and her grip on me started to slip.

"You have a smart mouth for someone who I can drop easily."

"Didn't I float to the ground earlier? I don't think it would've mattered."


Storm POV

This kid........if I wasn't a hero I would've beat his ass already. Who does he think he's talking to? I'm Storm for god's sake, every male knows me and adores me!

What is with this guy? Maybe he's gay? No, I shouldn't assume that. But there's no way he doesn't find me at the very least somewhat attractive, so what could he be thinking?

Oh, I know! He's probably trying to hold back his urges! Aw, how cute. Trying to be a gentleman.

Whatever, I need to get this kid to the station.

"I'm going to warn you, we're going even faster than before. Hold onto me." The kid followed orders, and tugged onto my arm. I went at lightning fast speeds, passing large buildings in seconds. Eventually, we made it to the station, and I landed right at the entrance.

I walked in, the kid following closely behind. All eyes were on the two of us, each police officer looking in curiosity at the child, or confusion. The lady at the front desk stared me down, awaiting my words.

"Hey, this kid got swooped up by a villain. I don't know his name, so he'll have to tell you." I said, pushing the kid towards the front desk.

"Hello, what's your name?" The lady asked. Her voice was soft and caring, almost like a mother's voice.

"Kiyotaka Hashira."


That surname struck a cord in me, and I don't know why. I don't remember anyone with that surname either....

Just who is this kid?


This was going to be a "first day" chapter, but I thought I should squeeze this in there so we have some more characters to play with.

Before anybody heads to the comments to talk about the name, Hashira is Kiyotaka's new surname, after getting adopted. I changed the first chapter to fit that, since it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

We good? Alright.

Now, you may have questions about who Kiyotaka's mother is. Well, I'll give you a summary.

Ai Hashira, age 27. Dirty blonde hair with black eyes. Her current occupation is a police officer. Although she has a quirk, which is a teleportation quirk, it wasn't strong enough to get her into ANHS, the same school Kiyotaka is trying to enter. So, she settled for a cop. She's worked her way up the ranks and is one of the top officers in her department. Most criminals have described her as "scary" or "terrifying". When it comes to people close to her, however, she's caring and would probably be seen completely differently from what they described her as.

Ai took in Kiyotaka at a very young age, only being 19 at the time. Somehow, she earned a living wage while taking care of him, making sure he had the best education possible. 

Ai also has a connection to a certain arrogant hero, who has haunted her mind for the past 10 years.

Okay, is that enough? Good.

See you guys later, tell me what you thought.

-hero virgin senpai. 

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