Chapter 23: The Demon Sehun

Start from the beginning

"I really have fun today, Aira." Sehun told me as he put his hands around his nape.

"So do I." I responded.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask this to you before." He suddenly said.


"Don't you miss your old life? You know, with your family and friends?" He asked, opening that topic to me for the first time.

I shifted my gaze on him. "Honestly, yes, I do." I paused. "But I'm lovin' it here with you."

From the ceiling, Sehun's gaze landed on me as well. "Well.. that's sweet, but if the worst thing happen, I just want to tell that I'm willing to let you go so that it'll be painless as possible for you."

I don't understand what he's saying but his eyes were so melancholic and full of blues. "Are you letting me go and giving me my old life back?" I asked him, sadly as I glued my gaze on him.

"Didn't I tell you 'if the worst thing happen'?" He answered me back with another question. "Because I'm too weak to keep you with me, Aira and I want to tell you this as early as possible."

I hugged him as he said those painful words. Is this goodbye? "So, if one day you wake up and return with your family and friends.. Will you promise me you won't forget me?"

I may not understand what he's saying but I nodded. "I promise, Sehun. I promise."

He smiled sadly. "Thank you." Sehun kissed my forehead after thanking me. He looked at the ceiling and smiled. I kissed his jawline as he shift his attention to the ceiling. "No, thank you, Sehun."


It was three in the morning when I notice an empty space next to me.

Flattering my eyes open, I was alone in the bed. Sehun was no where to be found. Sleepy, I called Sehun's name repeatedly.

"Where is he?" I asked myself as I sat up on the bed. I startled a bit when I heard my phone rang. I checked to see who's calling and it was Jongin. Swiftly, I answered it.


{"You okay? Where's Sehun? What's wrong with him?"} He asked, not pausing at all. {"I just read your message a while ago. Sorry."}

{"It's okay."} I said, as I walked outside Sehun's room so I could go look for him. {"Well, I've been noticing some changes to him lately."} I added as I walked down the stairs and on the staircase, I saw Sehun's ripped white tank top— the one he's wearing a while ago.

{"What changes?"} This time, I noticed Jongin's voice was worried as hell.

{"Well.. Red eyes, spreading tattoos—"}

Jongin interrupted me. {"What the fuck? Okay, I'm on my way there.. Just don't hang up."} He said worriedly.

{"Okay.."} I answered and put the phone on hold for now.

I proceeded going downstairs to look for Sehun. "Sehun?" I called him out as I reached the messy living room. I gasped when I saw how ruined the living room is— Broken furnitures, cracked walls and shattered glass.

"SEHUN? WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU HERE?" I called him again. This time screaming at the top of my lungs.

I unhold the my phone conversation with Jongin so I could talk to Jongin again but as I was about to do that, I felt this strong force struck me, making my body hit the hard wall and accidentally, let go of my phone. I landed on the cold hard floor, after. I touched my head to see that it was bleeding and I can't move my right arm. Shit.

Then, I saw a pair of bare feet in front of my very eyes. His hands were on my neck, as he lift me up from the floor, choking me.

I straggled in pain and our eyes met.

Tears slowly escaped my eyes. "S-Sehun?" I said and Sehun can't seem to notice me.

So, this is what his changes are. His changes lead him to become a fucking demon and now, Sehun looks so horrifying.

Messy hair, dark red eyes, paler face,  those tattoos, it already reached his temples and when he smirked, I could see those really sharp teeth of his.

"S-Sehun.. D-Don't do th-this please.." I begged him, looking at his dark red eyes. Sehun is out of himself. He licked his upper lip like looking at his prey and thuse sharp teeth of him is really scaring me. Shit. Sehun's gonna kill me. "S-Sehun.."

He choked me harder, slowly killing me. I tried fighting him but I can no longer fight him. The demon Sehun is really strong.

Slowly, my eyes gave up, closing by itself. Everything was pitched black.

"Aira? Aira? Shit. Wake up!" Jongin?


Hey, another update. I'm sick so please bare with me with this update. I hope it satisfies all of you. All questions will be answered on the next chaps so look forwards to it. :)

P.S. I'm planning to make a book two for this, is it okay? VOTE, COMMENT and SHOW SOME LOVIN', baes! :*


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