chapter 5

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Image of Ryder on the side


Damon’s Pov

I was stupid. I had been such a moron. She would never talk to me again after it. Why did I just kiss her and then left?

I know, because I was scared, I was terrified of this feeling. The feeling normal people got when they felt something for someone. I wasn’t familiar with this feeling but I knew of it. It was the feeling that could either bring you happiness or bring you pain.

The same exact pain I was afraid of.

I didn’t want to hurt her; I just wanted to make sure the feeling growing inside me wasn’t towards her. But it was, and I had to get away from her no matter what.

Even if it meant having her hate me.

Nadia’s Pov

“I hate him … I hate him  ... I hate him!!!”

Ughhhh! How can he be so... So...Full of it! To just kiss me and then leave? Not once but twice.

I was angry, not at him (well yeah at him too) but mostly at myself. How could I let this happen?

It felt wrong... As if I was betraying him. That promise, the one I made him when we were kids, was stuck in my mind.

I had managed to walk all the way home, 5 miles to be exact. When I got home my mom didn’t even notice since she was too busy watching some movie in the living room.

I went up to my room and took a long bath, once finished I did my homework and went to play some Xbox. Yeah I was a bit of a gamer. Just the usual cod, L4D, mw3, and that cool game I loved FarCry3.

I played for at least 2 hours , I would had gone on longer but the whole walking 5 miles had me exhausted .(THANK YOU DAMON -.- )

“Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like

We can go out any day any night

Baby I'll take you there take you there

Baby I'll take you there, there

Oh tell me tell me tell me how to turn your love on

You can get get anything that you want

Baby just shout it out shout it out

Baby just shout it out

And if you

You want me to

Lets make a move, yeah

Oh how I loved that song, I loved it so much that I had made it my alarm for school every morning. Oh Liam Payne how much I adore you.

I got up from bed and turned the alarm off, and headed towards the bathroom for an early morning shower.

I decided to skip breakfast this morning, since my stomach wasn’t up for it.

Once my mom had dropped me off in the school parking lot I hurried to class. I was hoping not to see him him, that’s when i realized that the faster I went to class the sooner I'd see him. It hurt what he did, but i wasn't going to let it show. I was going to play it cool , as if nothing had ever happened.

I lowered my pace as I hit the school hallways. They were crowded as usual, barely letting me get to my locker .I didn’t even bother in going to it, i just headed straight to class and hoped for the best. I'm not going to lie but my heart was racing a million miles a minute, I felt as if it was going to pop out of my chest anytime soon. I was so nervous; I wasn’t ready to see him again. I needed more time to get over what had happened this week. I stood outside the doorway anticipating whether I should go in, or just skip class for the first time. But then that would make him think that I was avoiding him or too much of a chicken to face him.

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