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"What do you mean 'not yet'?" Draco asked swivelling around to find the short haired witch taking out a device from her satchel and pressing the screen.

"I'm sure it's nothing. It might just be a petty attempt at disrupting the Ministry's and death-eaters' calm." Eclaire said smiling as she put the device back in her satchel. "Or it could be the work of some muggle burglars looking for a quick buck." Eclaire said making her way further into the house, feeling the slashed material of her sofa.

"But I do get a bad feeling about it." Eclaire said as she picked up a piece of a broken plate, her soft brown eyes turning calculating.

"Why would a burglar target your house? You barely earn enough to feed yourself and your place is a mess." Draco deadpanned.

"Hey!" Eclaire glared at him, pouting.

"That's because it wasn't the work of a burglar." The duo heard a third voice say. Yuko Kobayashi strode in through the door taking a careful swipe of the scene before him.

"Yuko! That was fast." Eclaire smiled at him. The Japanese wizard glared at her as he walked in.

"You did text me 'code red: mortal danger'." Yuko said looking around the house.

"Oops I did, didn't I?" Eclaire grinned at the dark haired wizard. "You haven't met Yuko, have you?" Eclaire asked Draco.

"Oh, we've met before." Yuko said his eyes flowing over Draco's stiff figure.

"You have?" Eclaire asked confused, not noticing the tension between the two males in the room.

"In my first year actually." Yuko said.

"Get out of my way you filthy little m—"

"Draco! He's just a first year!"

Draco cringed internally. "I was in fifth year when the brat joined." The silver haired wizard said glaring at the asian wizard.

"Oh! Excellent then! It's a relief that both my friends know each other!" Eclaire said clapping her hands.

Friends? Did the midget just say that? Draco thought as Yuko smirked at him making Draco reciprocate with a glare of his own.

"Revelare." The short haired witch muttered the incantation breaking the wizards' stare off. The room lit up with white energy surrounding different spots in the living room.

"It's white." Yuko murmured.

"We have eyes." Draco snapped.

"It means that there's no traces of magical energy." Yuko said ignoring Draco. "Does this mean it was the doing of some muggle outlaws?" He asked confused.

Eclaire shook her head. "Look closely." She said gesturing towards the white energy. "It's not pure white."

"Revelare Maxima." Eclaire swinged her wand as the entire room lit up in bright yellow energy.

"Whoever did this must not be very experienced. They did a very lousy job at concealing their magical energy." Yuko said.

"That's why you didn't notice it until Eclaire pointed it out." Draco scoffed.

"No, they're actually very skilled." Eclaire said as she extinguished the energy. "They wanted me to find out that the incident wasn't coincidental. The spell that was used was an incomplete version of the advanced concealment charm—a deliberate usage of the incomplete charm."

"How do you know that it was deliberate?" The silver haired wizard asked.

"Because the yellow magical energy was concealed throughout the house in even proportion. Had it been a failed usage, the concealment would take place in a limited area but it would be a complete concealment. However, by deliberately leaving the charm incomplete, the magical energy was concealed in equal amounts, yet still visible throughout the house giving it an off white colour." Yuko completed.

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