It That Even Legal?!

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At shut my locker. I turned around only to run into someone. My books fell and scattered across the floor.

"Oh my gosh," He said. "I'm so sorry,"

I looked up. Wes Boldman.

"You're... fine." I said.

Wes Boldman was the hottest guy at our school. He was quarterback on the football team. He was a straight A student. He was envied by all guy and admired and crushed on by all girls.

Wes helped my pick up my things. He looked at my my book. I always had a book with me.

"The Giver?" He asked. "I love this book,"

I couldn't help but blush. "Uh, yeah! I've probably read it 50 times. Its a real mystery."

Wes smiled and handed me the book.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," He said. "See you around, Piper."

He knows my name.

Wes smiled at me and walked past.

I couldn't help but feel my whole day just get better.

I walked to English and took my seat next to Hallie. "Hey," I said.

"Hey, Piper! Oh, I got my letter!" Hallie handed me a copy of her letter to Harry.

I read over it three times. Hallie was a really good writer. Although she seemed a lot more excited about One Direction in real life, she seemed a lot more human and regular and not One Direction obsessed in the letter.

"This is good," I told her handing her back the letter.

"Do you think he'll like it?" She asked. I nodded.

Ms. Booker called the class' attention.

"Alright people! How many of you have sent your letter?"

Almost everyone raised their hands.

"Okay, let's go around and share who we're writing to." She said.

I felt like we were in kindergarten and this was show-n-tell.

Brittany was writing to Nicki Minaj. Bryant was writing to Kevin Durant. Mark was writing to Jennifer Lopez.

When it was Hallie's turn, she bluntly said, "I'm writing to Harry,"

A couple guys in the back chuckled. Some of the girls turned around and whispers things like, "OMG! What is he writes back?" Most of the kids just groaned.

I felt just a little bit offended that everyone else knew who she was talking about when she just said "Harry".

"What about you, Piper?"

I looked up. Hallie was looking at me and so was Ms. Booker.


I couldn't say Louis! Everyone would laugh. And Wes, sitting in the back row would surely think I was shallow.

"I'm writing to... Jennifer Lawrence!" I almost shout out her name. I know its pretty random, but I thought of Mark writing to J-Lo and so I thought about J-Law.

Ms. Booker is smiling widely. A couple kids chucked. This one guy even stood up and screamed, "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!"

I couldn't help but laugh along with the class.

After that, Ms. Booker passed out worksheets on text structures. She had us split up in pairs and work on it.

I hate group work.

I started on the worksheet. I could feel Hallie's eyes on me. I ignored them.


I looked up at her. "What's up?"

"Do you maybe want to be partners?" She replied.

I was actually starting to like Hallie. She seemed like a good person.


We went to the back of the classroom and sat down on the floor. We started on our worksheets. It hadn't been five minutes before Ms. Booker came over.

She knelt down next to me. "Piper, I'm really glad you chose to write to Jennifer Lawrence. Her character, Katniss, is very brave and courageous through everything she goes through. Maybe you could ask Jennifer for some advice on bravery. She must've had a lot of courage for her Katniss role."

I smiled nervously.

"I was actually looking forward to reading your letter if it was okay with you,"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, its cool."

"Great!" She said happily.

She stood up and started back to her desk.

I looked at Hallie with wide eyes.

Hallie was smiling but now she looked freaked out.

"Piper, what's wrong?"

"Hallie, I-I have something to confess," I stammered.

"What?" She said calmly.

"I didn't write to Jennifer Lawrence... I wrote to Louis..."

"What?!" She shrieked.


"Why'd you lie to the class?" She whispered urgently.

"I don't know... Hallie, I'm not brave like you! I can't admit to the class I wrote to Louis! They laughed at you, what would they do to me?" I said.

"I guess I get what you mean. But what about Ms. Booker? She's expecting to read a letter from J-Law! She's going to be mad when she finds out you lied to her." Hallie groaned.

"I have no idea. I should have just told the truth." I said.

"Wait, I have an idea! What if we faked letters from J-Law? Like look up her signature and type up a letter and stuff!"

"Is that even legal?!"

"I don't know,"

"Hallie, I'm not counterfeiting letters from J-Law!"

"Oh, come one!" Hallie said sticking out her tongue. "It's for school! I bet the police will let you for this."


"Kidding, kidding!" Hallie said laughing. "Trust me, its going to be like a cheesy fan fiction story and Ms. Booker will totally forgive you once she's meets Louis."

I laughed but I couldn't help thinking about the consequences of what we were going to do.


Dear Piper,

I enjoyed received your letter. It is not often I get letters from people who've only recently learned of my friends and I.

To be honest, I was surprised when I read your letter and the words that went through my mind weren't all sweet. But your words enchant me. They're so beautiful.

I know this letter is short, but I would like it if you wrote back. And maybe we could be pen pals?

I don't know. I haven't written in so long.

Write back soon!

With love,

~ Louis ~


I was surprised that he actually wrote back to me. And he wanted us to be pen pals? His words of praise made me smile. Of course we could be pen pals.

As I wrote down another letter for him and sealed it into an envelope, I couldn't help but think back to what Hallie was saying. What if I actually met Louis? Would he be nice? Funny?

Although a part of me thought it was stupid. Another part of me couldn't wait.

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